Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Facebook Conversation - Ongoing

While warding off (read: encouraging) the sharks over at Wayne's World, I participated in constant status updates with 150 of my closest friends on Facebook.

It started off totally highbrow. Cause that's how I roll.

Catherine is "worried her new 'do makes her look like Carly Simon."

Some other highlights:

Catherine is "drinking up - he said friends!"

Kyle is "ready for round two."

Kenneth - "McCain: the Treasury should be turned over to eBay."

Catherine - "fannie mae didn't start the fire."

Ron "wonders 'is McCain still awake?'"

Kenneth "would be scared if McCain got that close to me."

Ron "wants Catherine to know he said friends again, in case she missed it."

Catherine is "drinking another shot. Thanks Ron!"

Kenneth - "McCain: I was told there would be no math."

Catherine is "listening to my dad snore. Bad sign."

Kenneth - "McCain: 'Our top priority is stopping overhead projectors'."

Liz - "They're dangerous."

Kenneth - "For some reason the undecided Ohio women hated McCain's reference to hair plugs."

Matt is "once again made dizzy by McCain's tie."

Catherine is "watching mom go to bed. They lost her at hair plugs."

Kenneth - "Newsflash: McCain flip-flops on his hero. Zombie Reagan reportedly pissed."

Ron - "McCain believes that US Americans and such as... need maps to find countries... the Iraq and said such..."

Wayne is "that one."

Catherine "thinks John McCain is toast."

Jim - "Dow down 500 today, 1000 since Friday. McCain isn't just toast -- he's sh** on a shingle."


At 10/08/2008, Blogger B_4 said...

Hi Catherine--that do is more Carole King than Carly Simon.


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