Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fight the Smears

I'm getting crazy emails from people raging about Barack Obama not being born in this country or Barack Obama killing children.

You are too?

Direct these mouthbreathers to this site. Or go there yourself and send your uninformed friends witty rebuttals in record time.

Use my response as a template if you wish. You don't even have to credit me. I won't mind. Just cut, paste, change the particulars, and hit reply.

Dear "Insert Freakshow's Name,"

"Insert insane conspiracy theory" isn't true. In fact, Barack Obama "insert historically accurate version here." If you'd get your head out of your ass long enough to listen to something other than The Schnitt Show, you'd be able to separate truth from fiction and wouldn't need me to bitchslap you all the time.

Understand this, you sound as wacky as those people who believe 9/11 was an inside job. Conspiracy theories on either side are nutty. And not believable. They usually involve too many people and assume those people can keep secrets. These theories also imply complicity within the media. I have friends in politics and media and simply know beyond a doubt that they'd NEVER be able to keep a secret and they'd NEVER ignore a story with legs that would get them fame, glory and a spot on MSNBC.

That's why conspiracy theories are never ever true.

People who believe other stories are nutty but theirs are fact are just as wacky as those who think other religions are nutty but theirs is the LIGHT AND THE TRUTH.

It's all nutty. Take off the tin foil hat, move out of your mom's basement and get laid. Life is for the living.


Then sit back and watch my kid's new favorite video and laugh at the douche nozzles among us.

Unbelievable McCain Vs. Obama Dance-Off - Watch more free videos

Works for me.


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