Thursday, October 16, 2008

Leave Joe the Plumber Alone

He's allowed to go to an Obama rally and he's allowed to ask questions. He may have been planted there and he's obviously ill-informed. Joe the Plumber will probably vote for McCain.

Umm. He's allowed.

His questioning gave Obama the opportunity to shine. And shine he did. Check it.

When was the last time we had a President who could answer a question on the spot without butchering the English language or embarrassing the country?

Joe or whatever his name is doesn't deserve to get trashed on the Internet or in Facebook. He doesn't deserve to have his family life or tax status revealed for the world to see. It's not Joe's fault that McCain exploited his situation and brought him into the spotlight.

All he did was ask a question. A good question.

Leave him alone.


At 10/16/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

Joe is like Mary without health insurance or Tom who can't afford college. ONE PERSON. You shouldn't decide policy on the anecdotal (sob) story of one person. Both candidates and both political parties play this same stupid game.

And Joe's question is a fair question and Obama gave an honest answer: he wants to "spread the wealth around". His (good) intentions are obvious.

Here's my problem; In the debate he said:

Not only do 98 percent of small businesses make less than $250,000, but I also want to give them additional tax breaks, because they are the drivers of the economy. They produce the most jobs. [emphasis added]

Are they? Do businesses that make less than $250,000/year produce the most jobs? I don't know. That's a question I'd like to have answered. Any help appreciated.

At 10/16/2008, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

They had a long skit tonight on SNL Thursday (special broadcast) mocking the debate -- and mocking McCain and Joe the Plumber.

Hilarious, but I had to wonder: how bad is this getting for Joe? Should I say bad? Hey Joe? Welcome to your 15 minutes of fame.

At 10/16/2008, Blogger jrtnutt said...

Well....I work for a small business. There are 5 employees and the owner. The business will earn about 600K in the year 2008. However that is before all the overhead. That is before salaries are paid, supplies, mortgage, insurance etc....after all that....there is less than 250K left over. So when McCain and Obama refer to small businesses that make less than 250K, are they referring to before or after all the overhead?

At 10/16/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

You are taxed on your net income(profit), so I'm assuming they are both talking about income after expenses.

At 10/17/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Joe the Plumber looks a little like Joe Camel to me.

At 10/18/2008, Blogger farm_quip said...

Joe the plumber is a normal average U.S. citizen and I can not believe the way the press and even Democratic politicians are beating him up. There are three levels of skill in the plumbing trade.
1. Apprentice plumber
2. Journeyman Plumber
3. Master Plumber
I am sick of the media talk as if they know any thing about a real trade that requires hard work, skilll, fortitude and a desire to help people who are usually in a predicament. Quit treating Joe as if he is doing somethin wrong. He is looking for the facts and I respect anyone who takes the time to attend rallys and ask questions. God Bless Joe the Plumber.

At 10/21/2008, Blogger TexasNation said...

He didn't attend a rally. Obama was in his neighborhood walking down his street and meeting people. So he asked him a simple question.

Whatever Obama answered and whatever you think about it is not the issue. The hating on Joe the Plumber is the issue. Why is it okay for the media to attack a simple American citizen for asking a simple question? What if it were YOU and you had just asked for example, what are your thoughts on immigration reform? All you did was ask a question! It doesn't matter if Joe even makes $250 or is unemployed. The answer applies to anyone in that situtation.


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