Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Top 5 Reasons Obama Supporters Shouldn't Rest Easy

1. The polls may be wrong.

Sure, most people say they're voting for Obama when talking to the nice lady on the phone, but once inside the voting booth, they might let their inner rednecks out. I know five of them in Lutz alone. Don't get me started on The Springs.

2. Dirty tricks.

You can tell that Republicans are all kinds of freaking out. The smears, robocalls, and scare tactics are out there in full force. Yes, some of it's amusing. Until the smears work and then we'll be the ones all kinds of freaking out.

3. October surprise.

I mean, come on. Do *you* trust Karl Rove?

4. Races can shift—fast!

Remember when Reagan was behind in the polls and then came from behind to win? I do. What? You remember Happy Days episodes and I remember political campaigns. Like QJ would say, don't you dare goddamn judge me.

5. Landslide.

In order to get shit done, we need the kind of landslide that will give Barack a huge mandate. To match his huge...vocabulary. Dude is SMART.

If you agree that we shouldn't rest on our collective ass, please sign up to volunteer at your local Obama office by clicking here.

Later taters.


At 10/21/2008, Blogger jrtnutt said...

I will be honest with you...I am voting for Obama..I think you have figured that out by now...but I am afraid. I am afraid that the republicans are going to steal the election.... again.
I try not to think about it too much. I am leaving for a weeks vacation in the Dominican Republic and will return on the Oct. 30th. I will still check my email and the news online. But I would like to try NOT to think about the election for just a little while. But I am just so afraid...

At 10/21/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

Would you be upset if the democrats stole the election?

At 10/21/2008, Blogger jrtnutt said...

That won't happen John. But I am sure the republicans will accuse the democrats of stealing the election if Obama does win.

At 10/21/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

That won't happen John.

Let's say it did happen; how would you feel about it?

At 10/22/2008, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

John, how about you, instead of trying to sway the discussion your way without truly making a comment, acknowledge the GOP has been involved in dirty tricks and vote stealing before? Voter roll purging in FLA in 2000 (and other states much more recently) to alienate voters is a good example.

And sure, I will acknowledge 1960 -- almost 50 years ago -- if it makes you feel better.

But the sooner you acknowledge YOUR parties antics in recent history, the sooner we can move forward in this discussion.

BTW - kate? Huge vocabulary, eh? Huge vocabulary that was on display in that photoshopped jogging graphic this spring, right? :)

At 10/22/2008, Blogger superdave524 said...

Tam, you definitely need to vote. If there is any chance that you might be out of the country on election day- ANY CHANCE- you need to go to your voter registration offense and vote absentee NOW. I did. It's a lot quicker, too.

And John, I would be upset if any candidate's party stole the election. A solid system is more important than any candidate. The 2000 election was a disgrace to our great country.

At 10/22/2008, Blogger jrtnutt said...

Jpfdeuce, thanks.
Dave, I am voting by mail. I will be back before the election. I really want to take off the next day from work so I can stay up all night and find out who won. I doubt our schedule will let me, but if there is any chance I can..I will.

At 10/22/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

John, how about you, instead of trying to sway the discussion your way without truly making a comment

Nice to hear from you again, jpf (so much for ignoring dicks). I'll ask you the same question that I asked jrt (that she didn't answer):

Would you be upset if the democrats stole the election?

It's a yes or no answer. Dave answered it (gold star for you, Dave).

At 10/23/2008, Blogger jrtnutt said...

To tell you the truth...deep inside I would feel like it would be pay back for 2000 and 2004. But I know it would be wrong. It's like when they convict someone for something they didn't really do, but they had done a bunch of other really wrong things anyway...so it's like punishment is justified. I am sure Dave understands what I mean. But it would be wrong and it would breaking the law...and I don't believe in breaking the law.


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