Saturday, December 20, 2008

Here's Why Rick Warren Wasn't a Bad Choice

Yes, he's a fairy-tale believing bigot. He says unbelievably stupid things on national television.

But we are never going to win the fight for gay marriage and transform the United States into an inclusive country where gays and lesbians have equal rights until we get all the fairy-tale believing bigots on our side.

I wish it weren't that way, but it is. We have to accept it and get about changing minds and then the laws will change as well.

Fairy-tale believing bigots will not see things our way if we keep them outside the process. We have to welcome them into the conversation and let them play ball.

Rick Warren adds a touch of credibility to Barack Obama's inauguration for thousands of people who'd rather pretend this isn't such a big deal. They'd like to ignore this moment in history. They want to stay angry and bitter and opposed to change.

And now they can't because their hero is gracing the event with his and the Lord's presence.

We have to understand Barack Obama and the reasons behind his actions that appear to go against our liberal sensitivities. We have to be smarter than that.

We have to be smarter than the fairy-tale believing bigots. Because that's how we'll win.


At 12/20/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

We have to understand Barack Obama and the reasons behind his actions that appear to go against our liberal sensitivities. We have to be smarter than that.

You get a golf clap for that. Whatever works for you.

At 12/21/2008, Blogger Tom said...

Obama has shown us he wants to be a leader of all Americans, not just the majority of voters who elected him. He has positive ratings from most republicans even though they didn't vote for him. He'll need that to get things done for us.
As far as changing peoples minds on same sex marriage I agree with you about half way. Black evangelicals are open to persuasion. Polling and research on Amendment 2 in Florida showed they were willing to change their minds after getting more information, while whites wouldn't budge. As younger voters replace the old this opposition will fade away.
The republicans want to undermine him like they did Bill Clinton. I don't see them pulling it off this time. Hate radio has a number of crazy charges out against him.
They even have some convinced that Obama was born in Kenya and thus will not be a legitimate president because of the constitutional requirement that he be born in the US.
He is smart to reach out to conservatives, talk to them and listen and respect their views.

At 12/22/2008, Blogger alicia banks said...

i disagree.

warren is a rabid vulgar gaybasher.

this choice is indefensible.

why not joel olsteen?

if warren, then why not david duke?

shame on obama!!!
see more at:

At 12/22/2008, Blogger alicia banks said...

i disagree.

warren is a rabid vulgar gaybasher.

this choice is indefensible.

why not joel olsteen?

if warren, then why not david duke?

shame on obama!!!
see more at:


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