Sunday, December 21, 2008

Who Wears Old Spice Anyway?

The cologne that smells like alcoholic traveling salesmen smells even worse now.

Old Spice sponsored a contest recently through an all-things-penis-y blog called 'The Art of Manliness.' This site focuses on "uncovering the lost art of being a man."

I sh*t you not.

I've been to the Ale House on Sunday afternoons. It ain't lost and it ain't art.

The contest named its 2008 Man of the Year: Matthew Chancey. Lots of people are up in arms because Chancey is a rightwing nutjob who runs Vision Forum. Vision Forum is a nasty little movement that remembers with fondness the years when slavery thrived and women were burned at the stake for talking out of turn.

They have this to say about homosexuality.

"Homosexuality is not a victimless crime. It is a cruel moral perversion that wreaks moral, physical and spiritual havoc on men, women, children, families and institutions. The Bible makes no distinction between homosexuals, pedophiles, bestials and rapists. All are criminals, the toleration of which brings judgment on the land and devastation to children."

I wonder if Vision Forum condones killing children who don't observe the Sabbath. The Bible is all about that too. In a perfect world, right?

Even worse is the vision of women these self-loathers want to promote. They publish books calling for women to:

- submit to their husbands.
- accept 'faithful' daughterhood, forgoing college to stay under a father's protection until marriage.
- refrain from voting.
- stay at home and teach their children.

I'm not afraid of these people. Their hard-on for 1950s repression and bigotry, those days when they were kings, is laughable. But why would Old Spice and Proctor & Gamble want their brand associated with this backwoods anti-intellectualism and nonsense? Do they want to go back, too?

Contact the HRC and GLAAD.

We should boycott P&G, but let's leave haters like Matthew Chancey alone. Vision Forum's world is crumbling down and I, for one, am toasting their demise.

It's almost over. Let them cry about it.


At 12/21/2008, Blogger QuakerJono said...

I've been known to dab Old Spice on from time to time. When one is a whore in a cubical bordello, all sorts of unfortunate smells waft from unexpected sources and one can only combat an industrial strength funk with an industrial solvent mislabeled as a cologne. I mean, there aren't too many ways to cover up "eau de Someone's Ass" on that "new" chair you just got, ya feel me?

And don't forget Chauncy's wife, who apparently entered him into the contest, wrote the innocuous blurb that made everyone break out into a spontaneous chorus of "Whatta Man" and herself is a pillar of the community by running an organization named "Ladies Against Feminism". Amusing, because without feminism in some form, said ladies would at best only be able to organize musical soirees.

Anyway, one wonders how she finds time to do anything, being as she's had 8 children over their 12.5 years of marriage...

At 12/21/2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't wear the 'Spice, but this is disappointing news because their commercials are pretty hilarious. Since I can't boycott the product because I'm already not buying it, I'll lend support by laughing less boisterously at the ads.

At 12/21/2008, Blogger Unknown said...

The reason to wear Old Spice is that your 12-year-old stepson, who is still not sure that his mom marrying you was a good idea, gave it to you.

Luckily, Dominique (call me Dime) is now all grown up and actually knows what I like and don't like, a factor that goes both ways. This year I'm giving him... well, it wouldn't be fair to tell, but it's something his boxing coach assures me he needs. :)

At 12/21/2008, Blogger John in IL said...

We should boycott P&G

Sorry, my Swiffer means more to me than this outrage of the week (and I really like Pringles too).


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