Expanding on yesterday's post...
A few weeks ago, my youngest sister asked me if I was pro-life. Barely in her twenties, she must not remember my stint in a women's health clinic or my trip to DC marching for women's rights or the many times I ruined family dinners with "We Won't Go Back" speeches.
Kid got off easy.
Nowadays I'm not nearly as militant. So I just sort of half-smiled and said I was pro-choice.
She told me about a book she read, written by a pastor, that described late-term abortions and how awful it was and how she cried hysterically after reading about such awful procedures.
Me: (gently) I side with Clinton and think that they should be restricted except in cases where the mother's health is at risk.
Little Sister: The mother's health is never at risk.
Mom chimes in: Never. That whole exception is a lie.
I took a deep breath and said, quietly: I understand. However, when scientists and doctors take a stance on anything, whether it's abortion, stem cell research, global warming, etc. and politicians or religious leaders take the opposite stance - I'm almost always going to side with scientists.
Mom went about her business, ignoring the conversation. That's how *she* rolls.
Little Sister: How can you want to protect animals and not babies? Do you know what goes on at these clinics?
Me: Sure I do. (Deep breath) Honey, I worked at a clinic for two years. Don't you remember?
LS: No.
Me: I held hundreds of women's hands as they went through the toughest decision of their lives. I'm well aware of what goes on.
(awkward pause)
Me: You must have blocked it out. Listen, you raise some valid concerns. However, keep in mind that book was written by a pastor. Not a physician. I wouldn't be against certain restrictions after the first trimester. But before that, abortion must remain safe and legal.
This is where Little Sister's husband joined us. Yes, husband. Long story.
Bro in Law: I don't think he was pushing to make it illegal. He just wonders how women who've had abortions can still call themselves Christian.
Me: Okay...I'm not a Christian and I've never had an abortion. However, I think anyone who believes Jesus is their Savior is a Christian. Period. They're in the club. And the rest is sort of up for discussion. I mean, we get into trouble when we say "You believe this way and so you're not a Christian" or "You disagree with me so you're not really one of us." Know what I mean? We should be bringing more people to God. Not pushing them away. Right?
Bro in Law: Absolutely.
Little Sister just stared.
Me: You still love me though.
LS: You're right. I do.
We both smiled. It was at this point in our conversation that Mom told us to stop talking about religion or abortion and Dad said not to talk about politics either.
Buzz killers.
A shame, really, and here's why: Our conversation was civil. Cordial. Friendly even. No voices were raised and no one cried or got angry. Granted, no minds were changed. However, we heard each other. And when my sister and her husband go to a gathering where someone says pro-choice women are lesbians out to kill men or witches or baby killers - they will stop and think of me and know that's not true.
I represent my side very well. A bridge builder, that's me.
And so, while I'm not sure what Colorado Springs has in store for me yet, while I'm not sure what this area will teach me - I am quite sure that I will be good for the Focus folks and New Life zealots. I will show many people that a liberal, vegetarian Jew is a delight to have around and not the angry, ugly, fake-blood throwing, Christ killer they've been hearing about all their lives.
There goes the neighborhood.