Friday, August 31, 2007

Assbag of the Week

Once again, Tucker the F*cker gets my vote.

This time, for advocating violence against gay men. Runners-up award to Scarborough and Abrams for laughing.

As an aside, I don't actually believe Tucker Carlson could slam anyone's anything into a stall. He's about as masculine as a wet noodle.

"She's a bright, open-minded floozie with few regrets."

Friend of mine sent this video for my viewing pleasure.

What do you suppose he's trying to say?

Well. I've been called worse.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I Like John Edwards

And this is part of the reason why.

Health care is this country's most important crisis. Let's show we understand that by voting for the person with the best plan to fix it.

I'm Not Sleeping With Anyone in Civic Concern. Am I?

Got an email from a new crew in Florida called Civic Concern.

Dear Katie,

When the Florida Legislature convenes the special session scheduled to
begin September 18, it will cost taxpayers $40,000 a day. To date, legislative
leadership is insisting they will focus solely on making essential budget
reductions, despite calls from all sides that they take up two urgent issues
they failed to address during the regular session. Join thousands of Floridians
in demanding that the legislature get the job done right this time.

1. No-Fault Auto Insurance and PIP Coverage: On October 1st, Florida's
no-fault auto insurance laws are scheduled to expire, and there will no longer
be any requirement that drivers carry a minimum level of personal injury
protection (PIP) insurance. PIP provides an essential health care safety net.
Without it, the twenty percent of Floridians who have no health insurance will
have no coverage for treatment of injuries sustained in auto accidents, and
hospitals say they will be forced to bear the costs of administering emergency
treatment to uninsured accident victims. Health insurance companies say they
will be forced to increase premiums, and courts will be clogged with lawsuits.
To protect Florida's drivers, the Legislature must extend the current law for a
year to allow time for reform legislation to be developed. Read more here.

2. KidCare: More than half a million Florida children are without health
insurance of any kind. The KidCare program is designed to provide coverage to
children whose parents make too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to
afford private health insurance. However, because Florida has failed to maximize
enrollment in the program, we have lost more than $130 million dollars in
available federal funding. A package of reforms was proposed in this year's
legislative session with wide, bi-partisan support, including the backing of
Governor Charlie Crist, CFO Alex Sink, and most legislative leaders. But the
legislature ended the regular session without enacting this widely supported
reform legislation that would have helped thousands of uninsured Florida
children get access to basic medical care. Read
more here.
I'll sign their petition and join their email list.

I just have one question.

Why are they calling me Katie?

Pretty familiar for a political action group.

Prove That Capitalism Equals Consumer Power

The emergency contraceptive Plan B has been available over the counter for one year, but there are still pharmacies that refuse to stock it.

Let's help change that.

Every woman should have access to this important back-up birth-control method. So let's call our local pharmacies to find out if they stock Plan B and then report back.

Your call will give NARAL the information it needs to work with leading pharmacy chains to guarantee that women have access to a safe and effective means of preventing unintended pregnancy.

Click here for a sample script and a form to tell them what you find.

You can tell me, too. I'm always listening...

So True

h/t Jenn

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So There Are More Than Five of Us?

Apparently there is a great resource for progressives in El Paso County -- the El Paso County listserv on

Gotta get organized people!

Join them by clicking here and then clicking on the "join group" button in the upper left.

Feel free to use the list to post announcements about organization meetings, important events, or news about my how my curves make you wanna support John Edwards.

I won't complain.

If you have any questions, contact

"What Should Happen To Women Who Have Abortions?"

I worked at a women's health clinic. Most of my relatives are Catholic. Plus I'm all about those Sunday morning evangelical shows while treadmilling.

Therefore, I know the face of the anti-choice movement.

When it comes to abortions, they aren't thinkers. Not by a long shot.
"If abortion were illegal, what should happen to the women who have

"That's between her and God."

Oh sure.

Is it too much to ask that if you involve yourself in a movement, you take a moment to *think things through*?

Think, feelers, think!

Okay fine. Go back to the rosary.

And while you're at it, refrain from shaping our laws and public policy.

God bless.

Which Republican Blows the Most?

Representative Mark Foley

Senator Larry Craig

State Treasurer Thomas Ravener

Senator David Vitter

Too many to choose

Who am I forgetting? Who's the worst?

I know. They all suck.

"Blow Your Prius Out Your Ass" And Other Observations

New job rocks - fellow teachers are warm, welcoming, and surprisingly funny. Students are smart and eager to learn. Starting to get teased for my feminist bumper stickers, which is always a good sign. Talked about my recent cosmetic surgery yesterday and no one judged me.

Old friends in Florida that are too busy to email all day? Kinda dead to me.

But wait a minute - they are toiling for a fat ass who doesn't appreciate them.

So they aren't quite dead to me after all.

Here, I am underpaid, but unlike in Hillsborough County - I am not overwhelmed and pissed off.

Best part? I bike to work.

Every. Single. Day.

I know. Thighs are looking *choice*.

Plus I don't have to gas up three times a week, feeding oil companies and auto makers, feeling all dirty and whore-like.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Fight terror, ride a bike.

Kiss *my* ass.

What else?

Hanging out with Hadassah ladies - the Jewish community here is great and I already feel like an integral part of the process. Even though I only just arrived.

Best part? More than a few fellow Heebs are from Boston and New York. So they relate to my quest for good mandel bread. And cultural, air-conditioned activities.

Even had fun at the local Democratic Picnic on Sunday. People talked to me and no one made fun of my hair.

Best part? I saw a real, live, locally-elected Democrat. And no wild animals.

Not counting my children.

Oh, don't get me wrong. Despite my neutral carbon footprint, new best friends, and elected officials who don't stare at my breasts - I still miss Florida.

I'm not loving Colorado more. Just hating it less.

That's all.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Justice After Gonzalez

Constitution Day — September 17th — just took on a whole new meaning: it will be Alberto Gonzales’ last day as Attorney General.

While the departure of one of the worst attorneys general in our nation’s history certainly gives us something to celebrate, we cannot rest for even a minute. Our leaders in Congress need to know that Gonzales’ resignation doesn’t wipe away this Administration’s ongoing abuses of power and it certainly doesn’t excuse its rubber-stamping of the Bush administration’s illegal wiretapping program.

Tell Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi: We Won't Let Congress Fail Freedom.

Come Meet a John Edwards Supporter. Or Two.

Live and in person!

What: Organizing for Action
When: Tuesday, September 4th at 7:30pm
Event Description: Meet at Drinking Liberally on Sept 4 at 7:30PM at The Coffee Exchange, 526 S. Tejon in Colorado Springs.

For meeting reminders sign up at here. Drinking not required ... just a great place to meet.

For more information, and to RSVP for this event, please click here.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Let's Finish This Thing

Thousands of us are getting together on Tuesday to honor the fallen and push Congress to take a stand to end the war this September.

Cause we're hoping Congress will listen. At some point.

More than 600 vigils are planned and in some key target areas a town hall meeting is scheduled before the vigil. Together, we'll remind Congress and the media about the real cost of this war - and pretend they give a rat's ass.

Can you make it?

Let me guess - you'd love to, but you've got heels to scrape.

Where are the Videos on Cockfighting?

Michael Vick appeared before a judge this morning and became the latest dogfighter to be brought to justice.

Now, The Humane Society is looking for judges to rank the top-three videos they've received for their Knock Out Animal Fighting Video Contest.

From heartfelt to pissed off - they've chosen three stand-out submissions and now it's your turn to help choose the winner!

Take a few minutes to watch all three super-short videos. Then, cast your vote for Heavyweight Champion for the Animals.

I Just Have One Question

Can we still impeach his ass?

h/t Marc

Presidential Candidates Forum

Five presidential candidates confirmed they will take part in discussions of key domestic issues before more than 600 representatives of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) on August 27 and 28 at the Disney Yacht and Beach Club in Orlando.

The schedule for the IAM's Conversation with the Candidates is as follows:

Mon. Aug. 27, 3:30 pm - New York Sen. Hillary Clinton

Mon. Aug. 27, 7:30 pm - California Rep. Duncan Hunter and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee

Tue. Aug. 28, 7:30 pm - Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich

The candidate conversations will be moderated by Erin Moriarty of CBS News.

The event will be streamed, live, from the web site.

I just have one question. Where's Obama?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Republican and Gay - Does It Matter?

Jim Johnson over at State of Sunshine rightfully mourns the loss of his friend.

Posters at The Buzz are equally sad and dismayed.

Ralph Gonzalez apparently died in a murder-suicide resulting from a love triangle. Three men were killed in total, all gay.

My concern is that the comments, and sentiment, include statements on how he will be missed as well as how his sexual orientation shouldn't matter.

A dear friend sent me his astute observation:

The conundrum is that this guy spent his professional life getting individuals elected who were patently opposed to his lifestyle. Congressman Feeney, for example, was at the forefront of the "Marriage Protection Act" which would have created a constitutional definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. Now, in his death, many of the same Republicans who joined forces with him are saying his lifestyle is of no relevance because he was a good guy.

In order for an individual who is gay to be accepted by the detractors of the gay community, must they wage war against that community of which they are a part? Or, is it the line of reasoning that, "I hate gays, but he was one of the good ones"?

Continuing the conundrum, does Mr. Gonzalez even warrant any favorable reflection? Why did he aid and abet those specific candidates? At best, it was out of denial or embarrassment; at worst, and more likely than not, it was for the money.

Regardless, can conservative Republicans have it both ways? Can they be opposed to gays and lesbians, yet be protective of those within their ranks who are? Does it comport that one can disparage and oppress others, all the while being caring and compassionate for those whom they view, "are the good ones." Will the pendulum swing to the point where, while they are against wholesale gay marriage, they are willing to concede to a proposal which would provide civil unions for "Gay Republicans"?

Just some thoughts.


"Lovely ponytail. Whatcha drinkin'?"

I don't mean to go all Buddha on you, but obviously Colorado Springs is happening for a reason. Once in a while, I stop complaining about my new home long enough to recognize that these new experiences must be embraced as life lessons.

The sooner I learn what it is I'm supposed to learn, the sooner I can get back to civilization (read: Tampa or Boston).

So check it - I've often said that if I ate meat, I'd try anything. Visiting Cambodia? I'd be all about the chocolate cockroaches. Downtown New Port Richey? French-fried frog's legs.

Cause why not?

The only thing saving me from an adventurous appetite is: I don't do dead animals.

But I do likey the drinkey.

Yesterday, while enjoying a blues festival in Trinidad, Colorado, I look up and notice several biker types enjoying a beverage I've yet to try. Could this be it? The special something I'm supposed to experience?

I approach hesitantly.

Red beer.

I look closer.

Comes in a can.

Closer still.

Bud Light can.

Okay. Red flag. What does American beer and screwing in a boat have in common? They're both f*cking close to water.

And what the hell is Clamato?

I find a waitress cause I figure I'll give it a go. I'm in. Besides, how bad could it be? Once, during senior year, my friends and I snuck aboard a ship docked at Harbor Island. Filled with young English sailors. Yummy. They made us a drink mixing beer and lemonade. Double yummy.

Then we got busted by some major or general or whateverthehell and had to leave.

I thought maybe I'd try this Clamato concoction. Boris the Biker, sporting a ponytail down to his tushie and several missing teeth, says it's better than a cosmopolitan. His lovely lady friend with a tattoo of her daughter's face on her back concurs. Perhaps drinking this beverage would lead to my eversoimportant transcendent experience. And then I could haul ass back home with a clean conscience.

Asked the waitress about it and she said, with a nauseated look, "Clamato is clam and tomato juice."

Long pause.

Now that's disgustin'.

I don't dig on shellfish. Even if alcohol is included. Even if Boris *is* buyin'.

Seriously, clam juice?

At that point, Youngest said, "Mommy, I want to go back to normal people."

Me too, kid. Me too.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Fertilized Egg Can't Fart - That's For Sure

But it don't matter. Some lovely folks in Colorado still want to believe an egg is just like you and me. With the same rights.

Anti-abortion advocates recently proposed a ballot initiative that would change the Colorado constitution's definition of a person to include a fertilized egg, such that every fertilized egg could have the "right to life," among other rights guaranteed to a "person" by our constitution. If this initiative passes in 2008, any form of birth control that may work in part by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg could be deemed illegal. This could include Plan B® – as well as the most effective forms of birth control, like the pill, the patch, NuvaRing, Implanon, Depo-Provera, and IUDs.

Just keeps gettin' better and better.

Stinky Stuff

The U.S. EPA is currently reviewing dangerous fumigant pesticides for re-registration--including methyl bromide, metam sodium, chloropicrin, methyl bromide, dazomet and telone.

All of these toxic chemicals pose a threat to the health of farm workers.

These fumigants are among the most toxic pesticides in use today, causing birth defects, cancer, Parkinson’s disease and acute poisonings. Fumigant drift has resulted in mass poisonings in areas of high use, often causing the evacuation of hundreds of people from their homes and sending many to the hospital. Fumigants also contribute to smog and other resulting respiratory illnesses.

Please take action today. The EPA is asking for public comments on fumigant re-registrations until the end of the August.

Hung Like A Pimple

(photo courtesy of

A mistrial was declared for the peace activists yesterday. The city attorney's office is mulling over whether he should try them again.

Our overzealous prosecutors and overzealous police officers need to go to their happy place and, I don't know, find a rapist or something to occupy themselves.

“They were afraid someone would throw a beer bottle at them. In most places, if someone throws a beer bottle at a peace marcher, they arrest the thrower,” Walta said. “Here, if you’re afraid someone will throw a beer bottle at a marcher, we arrest the peace marcher. That is not how America is supposed to work.”

Lots of beer bottle throwers leaving comments on the Gazette's website. So full of love for this country, they wanna kill anyone who disagrees with them.

My new neighbors, ladies and gentlemen.

Pray for me.

Come Party With Me

One year from yesterday, thousands of Democratic delegates from all across America will be arriving in Denver, Colorado for the 45th Democratic National Convention.

The event generates incredible publicity for the nominee and highlights the successes of hard working progressive Democrats like you. That's why you should be a Grassroots Democratic Delegate.

Find out how to become a Delegate to the Democratic Convention.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Save the Roan Plateau

Rep. Mark Udall just passed through the House of Representatives, with broad Democratic and Republican support, a package of common-sense proposals to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and to increase our usage of clean, renewable energy.

For the first time ever, national energy policy will require all electric utilities to acquire 15% of their power from wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources by the year 2020.

But the fight's only begun, and he needs your help right away. The bill still needs to pass the U.S. Senate and be signed by President Bush. But not everyone supports this important bill, and some in the oil and gas industry are organizing to prevent passage. According to the Rocky Mountain News, "a newly formed nonprofit in Denver, Americans for American Energy, has raised tens of thousands of dollars to launch a campaign in the coming weeks to push for drilling on the Roan."

This group has now pledged to pull out all the stops in order force Western Slope communities to give up on protections they have sought for the top of the Roan Plateau.

You can show your support for John Salazar's and my efforts to protect the Roan and passage of needed legislation to secure America's energy future today by signing this petition and sending it around to your friends. I'll share the results with my colleagues in the Congress to show that we have broad support for protecting the Roan.

Assbag of the Week - Brett Johnson

Last year, Colorado Springs threw a St. Patrick's Day Parade and...

Wait a second.

Gotta pause for a minute. First of all, I'm of Irish descent. Secondly, I was born right outside Scranton, Pennsylvania. And third, I lived in Boston for four years. Plus I know all the words to Danny Boy.

This town I now call home - Colorado Springs - home to more protestants than Ulster itself - claims to host a *real* St. Patrick's Day parade? Somehow I doubt that. More like a bunch of conservatives drinking green beer and wearing green cowboy hats marching through the street looking for a union to bust.

Please, pog mo thoin. Someday my relatives will come to town and show you how it's done.

So anyway, the "parade" was underway last year when a few walkers exposed peace symbols on their green shirts and held signs calling for an end to our unjust war.

I know. The bastards.

So the cops came and busted some skulls. Dragged one woman on her ass and wounded her badly enough so that she had to seek medical attention.

Yesterday, the seven arrested troublemakers arrived in court to stand trial for blocking a street during the event.

That's right, folks. *Blocking a street.* Something I do every other day when staring in horror at the latest anti-choice, pro-Jesus billboard in my neighborhood. Had no idea this could lead to an ass-whipping.
In opening statements, city attorney Brett Johnson told the jurors the
protesters, who were marching under a permit for the business Bookman, owned by
one of the defendants, broke the rules of the parade by advocating on a social
issue. “They were there to promote a different cause, a social issue, that was
not part of the parade,” Johnson said. “It would change the meaning of the
parade, it would change the message of the parade.”
Right. The message. In other words, if those seven protesters had just gotten drunk and thrown up on someone, like any self-respecting Fenian, none of this would've happened.

To my neighbors who wouldn't know an Irishman from a drunken Limey, I have news for you: An event that involves alcohol, arguments, and aggravated assault is straight outta Dublin. You don't call the *cops*. You shake hands and buy everyone a round of Guinness.

So not only does this community vote wrong, support wacky religious figures and practice outdated social customs - they can't throw a good party, either.

The trial continues another day or so. Can't wait to hear the punishment for blocking a street. If I grew up here, even I'd have a record.

Give me a year or two, we'll see what I can do.

Oh, and continue to pog mo thoin.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Knock Knock - Delivery!

When DFA launched its SiCKO petitions in June, a huge success was expected. The sheer number of personal health care horror stories you shared was amazing.

Thousands of stories were submitted by members who actually have coverage and yet don't receive proper care.

Insurance companies are lining up to stop reform while drug companies spend millions contributing to elected officials and screaming on FOX news. They don't want Congress to hear our health care horror stories. They know that when voters make an issue personal and local, elected officials are a lot more likely to take action.

Drug and insurance companies fear YOU.

Will you deliver your community's stories to your member of Congress on Wednesday, August 29?

The stories pack a punch. So you don't have to.

Lots of Ins, Lots of Outs, Lots of What-Have-Yous


Leave It to This Beaver
I am living like the 1950s - except without segregation and oh, women have more rights. Otherwise, our new neighborhood and its family-friendly feel brings me back to a time when moms baked cookies and daddies came home for dinner every night and kids played together in relative peace. That's my neighborhood.

Weirdest part? Despite the holy rollers and normalcy and the fact that I don't bake cookies - I kinda like the vibe. Makes me feel like a Jewish and slightly vulgar Erma Bombeck, but I like it.

Scary, I know.

Then other times I wanna hurl, move to a forest somewhere (with hunky Forest Rangers protecting me from wildlife with deadly force) and live in a yurt.


There is something quite lovely about a $20K mortgage and living in a way that doesn't harm the land. Wouldn't have to worry about Gloria across the street and her judgmental church group. That's for damn sure.

Wandering Jews
Or if the yurt thing doesn't work out, maybe take the family overseas to travel for a few years. They need teachers in a big way and our boys could learn a lot from wandering in Europe or Asia from 6th through 8th grade.


Beats The Springs any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Which is the Lord's day, ya know. And we can't even buy beer 'round these parts on the Lord's day.

Big Fat Horse Cow
My old boss continues to do well, despite the fact that her teachers despise and have lost confidence in her.

Good news: Two school board members see the light.

Bad news: Only two.

Might As Well Face It
I'm addicted to Craig's List.

This gold mine is better than liver and red velvet cake. My favorite meal. Back when I ate liver. And red velvet cake.

I'm Only Happy When It Rains
Colorado Springs is too f*cking sunny. All of a sudden, my kids have tan lines and I burn my neck walking to the mailbox.

That. Will. Never. Do.

Seems there's no such thing as overcast here. Which sucks. Cause somethin' bout the clouds and me mix. I'm giving this place two years.


So pass the sunblock and homemade cookies, Gloria. And explain again why Christ *is* for me.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Maybe Even Your Kid

George Bush has once again sided with insurance and drug companies - who will profit over the health and well-being of our nation's children. Friday night, the Bush administration released a letter to state health officials that effectively eliminated health insurance coverage for millions of American kids.

Surprised? Then you've had your head in the sand for the past six years.

President Bush isn't going to take your call. However, when the governor of a state calls, even Bush will listen.

Call Governor Ritter and demand that Colorado stands up to President Bush's anti-children campaign.

Governor Bill Ritter
303 866-2471

Sample smackdown: "President Bush's new rules which reduce the availability of the Children's Health Insurance Program for uninsured kids must be repealed. Governor Ritter must call President Bush today and demand a complete rollback of the new rules. Can I count on the governor to stand up for our kids?"

Please report how your call went here:

Please call the Governor right now. Your neighbor's kid might be depending on it.

A Sacred Responsibility to the American People

Watch the latest video in the "Fox Attacks!" series -- "Fox Attacks: Iran" -- and join me in signing an open letter to the major cable and network news outlets.

Networks must take their journalistic responsibilities seriously and avoid making the same mistakes that were made in the lead-up to the war in Iraq.

Watch the video -- Take Action!

Wives Giving Wives A Bad Name

I gave up a successful career to raise children. After about three years, was ready to stick hot pokers in my eyes, but I knew my commitment was important. So I found a new career that allowed me to contribute outside the home while still putting family first.

Right. A teacher/activist/writer was born.

And while I enjoy what I do, sometimes I miss the challenges of the business world. When Husband comes home after a long day at work, I like to hear about those challenges.

I listen. I cringe. I laugh.

And that's about it.

I don't offer advice. What's that saying? Because the wise won't need it and fools won't heed it. I believe in The Man and trust that he will do what's right considering his business and plus... I got a life to lead.

Which is why articles like this piss me off. *Women* like this piss me off.

She's got no life of her own. Gave it up willingly to be arm candy. And now she insists on meddling in her husband's affairs. Why? Apparently she believes that sleeping with the man gives her the authority to run his life. Homegirl probably enjoys the perks and, therefore, wants to keep MoneyBags in the game.

Which is fine - except she's f*cking it up. Which is fine - because who wants Fred Thompson to be a contender?

But Jeri Thompson needs to understand something - she isn't Hillary Clinton. And neither are the millions of bored, at-home moms who want to *contribute*.

I know, sweetheart. You're more than a pretty face. Sure. Now go buy something.

How are you different from the mommie dearests who live vicariously through their kids? Both are sorta pathetic. Therefore, solve the problem. Love your guy. Support him. Then find your own sh*t quick. You are allowed to live and give your man some space to breathe.

Otherwise he looks henpecked and weak. Lame. So not hot.

And you look like...I don't know...Yoko Ono anyone?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

All Biofuels Aren't Created Equal

From the Sierra Club...

Biofuels can be made from nearly any organic material, but corn, which is the source of 95 percent of U.S. ethanol, would reduce global warming emissions only about 15 percent on average compared to gasoline. Cellulosic ethanol, made from switchgrass, slash, and agricultural byproducts, could cut emissions by more than 90 percent. But it's not commercially available.

And then there's sugarcane ethanol, which is booming in Brazil, soybean biodiesel, and cooking grease biodiesel, even biodiesel made from algae -- all with their various pros and cons.

Want help separating the wheat from the chaff? Check out "Bio-hope, Bio-hype" in the most recent issue of Sierra, complete with a useful chart comparing six different biofuels.

Ed in 08

A new group promises to put education front and center for the next presidential election.

Watch their Iowa ad and then join them.

Free t-shirts and all.

Boobie-Thon 2007: Our Racks Will Be Back

Lookin' at my Gucci, it's about that time.

Can you believe almost a year has passed since the girls made their on-line debut? Lots of changes, Old Max. Lots of changes. What shall I do for this year's photo posting...

-- Perhaps a western theme?
-- Some Democratic candidates to support; Edwards stickers anyone?
-- Plus there's the whole "new and improved" angle.

One thing hasn't changed: breast cancer continues to kill.

So until there is a cure, I will do my part to help the cause.

You're welcome.

Any ideas for a photo shoot? I'm listening...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Upcoming Events

There's this...

Join the El Paso County Democratic Party for the premier screening of Collateral Damage: Bad Medicine in Tennessee, a gripping account of when access to health care becomes a matter of life and death. The Colorado Springs screening will be held on Wednesday, August 22nd, from 7:00-8:30 PM at the Carnegie Room of the Penrose Library, 20 North Cascade Avenue, downtown Colorado Springs. For more information, please contact Alpha Noel at 473-8713 or Dennis Apuan at

'N that...

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, August 21st, is our next Drinking Liberally meeting. Come join us to use The Coffee Exchange's AC instead of your own! As always, we'll be at The Coffee Exchange, 526 S. Tejon, at 7:30PM.

Best of Colorado Springs - 2007

Vote online for The Independent's annual Best of Colorado Springs.

Newbie here; therefore most of the categories left me confused and longing for Best Cuban in Tampa Bay.


  • Best Tapas? What's a tapas?

  • Never heard of a Best Local or National Outdoor Outfitter.

  • Best Trash Service? Seriously?

  • Best Adult Store. Wow. Didn't think they allowed adult stores in the evangelical capital of the world. Maybe this place ain't so bad after all.

  • And Best Adult Entertainment? I'm sold. We can live here awhile. Still haven't been to a strip club, peeps. *Someone* should make that right.

  • Give me a "Reason to Vote in November."

  • Any suggestions for Best City Council Member, County Commissioner, Philanthropist, Activist, and Non Profit?

  • Do tell...Best Local Scandal.

  • I'd like someone, anyone to send me a "Reason for Living Here".

  • Only know the answers to three questions:

  • Best Local Yoga Studio - Spectrum Rehab

  • Best Health Club - Spectrum Rehab

  • Category We Forgot - Best Local Blog (

  • That's all I got.

    So please take a moment and vote for the above three categories.

    Pass along any and all tips for the rest.

    Sunday, August 19, 2007

    Conversation Stoppers

    Ever get stuck at a party talking to someone who won't stop complaining? Won't stop defending the Bush administration? Won't stop bragging? Won't stop *talking*?

    Happens to me all the time. Perhaps I should do something about my come-hither stare. Or the fact that I nod appropriately.

    A lot.

    When mingling around a political event or even while talking to friends/relatives, I've discovered that certain statements can quiet even the most aggressive talkers.

    Gives you just enough of a pause to walk away or hang up.

    Try 'em sometime:
    • "Oh my. Does your vagina hurt, too?"

    • "Yeah. Wow. Shitty hedgefund. I thought the people in Darfur were f*cked, but you got it way worse."

    • "Yeah, Dick Cheney *is* nice to his grandchildren. And Stalin kissed babies."

    • "You call that gerrymandering!?!"

    • "Have I mentioned my itch?"

    • "That's not a bug. That's my mezuzah."

    • "I would, but I don't want to."

    • "Let me tell you about my kids and their goddamn attitudes."

    • "I've been to buffets, I know buffets, and this, sir, is no buffet."

    • "If only Ted Kennedy were here to drive you home."

    • "Don't tell me about your problems. I got a small, right kidney."

    • "You into porn?"

    • "Shove your Bible up your ass."

    • "Well, I'll be damned. Merv Griffin just walked in the door!"

    Saturday, August 18, 2007

    Are My Friends and Fellow Bloggers On to Something?

    Is John Edwards the man to support for the Democratic nomination?
    Flying below the radar, the former vice-presidential candidate is pulling
    off a feat that Democratic consultants have long considered impossible: staking
    out the most progressive platform among the viable candidates while preserving
    an aura of electability. In head-to-head polling against the likes of Rudy
    Giuliani and Mitt Romney, Clinton and Obama have managed to post only modest
    leads. Edwards, by contrast, not only bests every Republican candidate in the
    race, he trounces them -- by an average of twelve points.
    The most progressive platform...hmmm...go, John, go.

    Friday, August 17, 2007

    Sometimes the Good Guys Win

    The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals just halted all
    oil exploration by Shell Offshore Inc. in the Beaufort Sea
    for this year.
    The ruling stops a fleet of Shell ships dead in Alaskan waters. They had been
    poised to drill and do seismic testing right in the migration path of mother
    bowhead whales and their calves. The court agreed with Earthjustice's urgent
    challenge to the exploration permit, and set hearings to begin in December on
    whether federal agencies failed to properly assess environmental impacts.
    Endangered whales, polar bears, and other marine animals are gravely threatened
    by Shell's large-scale industrial activities.

    Shabbat Shalom!

    If You Don't Have Something Nice to Say - Tell Me and Leave Everyone Else Alone

    Constructive criticism rocks. Of course, I'd prefer a logical argument combined with a nice bottle of wine and plenty of compliments thrown in for balance. But not everyone feels the love. Not everyone feels like making sense.

    We all roll our own way.

    Except when someone rolls me through someone else. Then I get all kinds of pissed.

    Check this out: Wrote a perfectly decent piece on Bio Dad. Heartfelt. Compassionate. Then Pseudo-Relative calls Blood-Relative, getting all judgmental and calling me hateful.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you'd have to be smoking crack to read hate into what I wrote. To paraphrase a James Cameron film - You should read with better eyes than that. Assbag.

    So Blood-Relative gets silk panties in a wad because Pseudo and the rest of the world now knows we're related to an alcoholic.

    Right. Cause the Irish last name didn't give that away in the first place.

    I know. The horror.

    A few days before the Bio Dad post, I wrote about women I admire and mentioned my mother. Any phone calls about me being lovable?


    Neither Pseudo nor Blood - nor any other asshole involved - made that call. Not to mention the 900 posts about making the world a better place. No positive feedback of any kind.

    Such is the fate of a writer with readers who sometimes can't see past their own negative motives and feel the need to gossip about me like a bunch of high school b*tches.

    That's right. I'm talking about you.


    In related news, several months ago Extended-Relative called Immediate-Relative all drunk to yell about something I wrote. This led to more than a few fun lectures from Immediate about how disgusting I am. I listened and laughed like a good little girl about how relatives find me disgusting.

    It's what I do.

    Few weeks later, called Extended's wife to say hello. Cause I keep in touch with the planet - even when said planet pisses me off. We're shootin' the sh*t and she mentions that her husband enjoyed an essay I'd written that day. Thought it was all kinds of great.

    Well goddamn, I thought, why didn't he get all drunk and call Immediate with the good news? Turns out I'm not always disgusting! Who knew?

    But, again, that phone call wasn't made. Because no one spends an hour talking about how great I am. Not even me. But a 90-minute conversation about how bad I suck? Seems we've all got time for that.

    I suppose what I'm saying is this: Leave my beleaguered and close-knit family members alone. They can do nothing about me, much to their chagrin, and are not responsible for my rants. Leave a comment, email directly, or call *me* when you're drunk.

    You should know that, regardless, I plan on continuing my same pattern of writing whatever I feel like writing - whether it's about my experiences, my thoughts, my vagina or my politics. So handle it. Or try focusing on the stuff you like.

    Or suck it.

    Completely up to you.

    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    Free Tickets!

    Governor Howard Dean and the Democratic National Convention Committee invite you to a Convention Countdown Kick-Off celebrating the one year out mark for the Denver Convention.

    With Special Guests Governor Bill Ritter and Mayor John Hickenlooper.

    Wednesday, August 22, 2007
    Pepsi Center Grounds, Grand Atrium (West) Entrance

    Tickets are free and may be picked up at:
    Colorado Democratic Party
    777 Santa Fe Drive

    Refreshments and entertainment provided.
    Rain or shine.
    All are welcome.
    Signs not permitted.

    YouTube Challenge Begins

    Bloggers for Peace,

    The time has come to begin the YouTube Challenge!

    Here are your four easy steps to participation:

    1. If you haven't already, record or construct a video.
    2. Go to YouTube and upload your video.
    3. Send a link to your YouTube video URL to
    4. Go to the YouTube Challenge page to track your video's progress and see others' videos!


    Persecution Complex Starts Early

    My two seven year-olds are all into email. Mostly from relatives and friends back home in Florida. Plus they email each other.

    I give 'em about ten years before they discover porn and chat rooms. If I'm lucky.

    At any rate, my boys love those silly smiley faces that giggle and burp and carry on. Yesterday, Oldest sent Youngest an email attached with this newest emoticon. Just in time for Chanukah, only *four* months away.

    I know. But such things make my kids giggle and burp and carry on.

    Except Youngest never received it.

    All perplexed, Oldest couldn't understand. Kid probably put in the wrong address and it went to Aunt Irma instead. Who's *Baptist*.

    "This is bothering me," he kept muttering. "Why didn't you get it?"

    "I don't know," Youngest replied.

    "I sent it," Oldest said.

    "I know," Youngest sighed.

    Sh*t was pissing him off, too.

    An hour later, out of nowhere, after about 25 different conversations, while walking through the grocery store, Youngest says,

    "I know why I didn't get the email!"

    "Why?" Oldest was dying to know.

    "Because our computer is Christian."

    From the El Paso Dems

    In Lieu of the regular Dems Club meeting this month at Bambino's we will be having a picnic at Anna Lord's House. Please come with your family & friends.






    Another outdoor activity. Great.

    I'll be on the lookout for bears and mountain lions.

    Oh, and friendly liberals too.

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    How About This Heat?

    To stop global warming, we need nothing short of an energy revolution.

    Let's put Congress on the Hot Seat in August.

    Those fat cats finally home in August to hear from their constituents. What better time to pay a visit to their local district offices before they head back to the Hill? We've sent emails, collected postcards, and now we have the chance to show up in person to send a strong message.

    Even stronger if you don't wear deoderant. *Really* drive home your point.

    Let's deliver Project Hot Seat lobby packets in local offices across the country during the last week of August. Help to make it happen. Sign up here to make a delivery.

    Can't wait. After all, it's about time I introduced myself.

    EPA Blows It - Again

    When ozone is released close to Earth’s surface through human activity, it's dangerous and can cause all kinds of nasty sh*t like asthma and lung damage. The Clean Air Act requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to control pollution from ozone. Yet the EPA has announced a draft ozone pollution standard that falls short of what the agency’s own scientists and science advisors consider safe.

    The EPA is currently accepting comments about its half-assed proposal.

    Urge them to use the best available science to set a stronger final ozone standard that protects our health.

    Love and Commitment = Marriage


    While there is no secret formula for a successful marriage, love and commitment
    remain essential ingredients. And government does its part, too, by providing
    hundreds of protections to help families get through difficult times. Meet ten
    committed couples who are sharing their lives and building families
    together. Watch their videos and learn what you can do to ensure that these
    ordinary couples are no longer denied important protections for their families.
    Learn what you can do and spread the word.

    Tuesday, August 14, 2007

    Target Responds

    My friend Dalia got a response about wrinkle and stain-free children's clothes.

    Dear Target Guest,

    Thanks for your comments about the quality and safety of school uniforms sold at Target. Helping to ensure the health and safety of guests and their families is our number one priority at Target.

    We have confirmed with our vendors that they do not use Teflon on any of our school uniforms. They do use a Kidshield brand stain resistant finish. The vendors have provided Target with all chemical properties of the formulas that they use, and they've been approved as PFOA free.

    We always welcome your questions and feedback so if we can assist you in the future, please contact our Target Guest Relations team at (800) 440-0680. You can also speak with a team member at the Guest Services Desk at your local Target store, or visit us on Either way, we're here to help!

    I hope we'll see you soon at Target.

    So, Teflon's out and Kidshield is in. Fine. However, Kidshield is new and we have yet to see the ramifications of this particular combination of chemicals.

    Exercise caution. Is all I'm saying.

    Hillary's First Ad all right.

    But exactly what will she do for the millions who don't have health care?

    That's what I'd like to know.

    It's Official - Education Attracts Dipshits Nationwide

    I work at a special school for special kids. Since these kids will be re-entering public school at some point, every year one of us goes to the aforementioned public school to get supplies.

    Guess who goes this year?

    Upon entering, the principal bumped into me wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Looked like one of his students. Except for the beer belly and liver spots.

    Lovely man.

    "We don't have your books," the secretary said. "Teachers were only asked yesterday and are swamped. You'll have to come back another time."

    Right. Cause I have no life.

    "Would you just send them through school mail?" I asked.

    "You'll have to go to Student Affairs and ask the assistant principal. But be careful. He's swamped, too."

    Marched my happy ass to Student Affairs and walked into a swamp all right. Had to be at least 90 degrees in that room with about ten fans blowing hot air from administration up the asses of all involved. The lights were off so I accidentally bumped into about four different adolescents. Great. Possible felony and my deodorant was giving out. After waiting in line behind a couple kids for an eternity, I finally asked one of them.

    "Is it always this hot?"

    Kid nodded and said,

    "They removed desks to make room for more fans. At least they cut the lights. Those neon suckers made it over a hundred degrees up in this place."

    "Good Lord," I said. "The A/C breaks down that often?"

    "We don't have A/C."

    Well. That explains the principal's casual attire. And everyone else's brain-dead attitude. I couldn't think straight and I'd just walked in the door. Dressed like a professional teacher no less and was now in need of a shower.

    Finally got hold of the assistant principal who said that unfortunately teachers hadn't responded to his request.

    "I forwarded their email addresses to you," he said, "because I thought maybe you would have more luck."

    Oh sure. Lazy ass teachers won't respond to their immediate supervisor but Katie Robinson comes to town, watch out. What'd he think I could do - write an op-ed?

    "I'll do my best," I said. "But you realize these kids will be returning to you at some point. Therefore it's in everyone's best interest that our students are up to the same level as your students. Anyway, when you get it all together, will you please send everything via school mail? One visit here is plenty."

    "Everything? I thought you only needed a few textbooks."

    "And teacher's editions."

    "Oh," he said. "I didn't realize."

    "That we needed teacher's editions to...teach?"

    He just blinked and looked up at one of the fans. Clearly his brain was fried due to all the goddamn heat. Either that or he didn't care. After a prolonged and awkward silence, homeboy asked for the name of my school and promised to get the sh*t to me by Labor Day.

    "In the meantime, play games with them or something."

    At that moment, a pool of sweat dripped into my ass.

    Loving. It. Here.

    Monday, August 13, 2007

    Happy Trails to You

    What will George do without his brain?

    Karl Rove, President Bush's longtime political adviser, is resigning as White
    House deputy chief of staff effective Aug. 31, and returning to Texas, he said
    in an interview with Paul Gigot, editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial
    Later tater.

    Sunday, August 12, 2007

    Hold the Antibiotics

    If you've seen SuperSize Me, read Fast Food Nation or saw the movie, or possess an ounce of common sense in that head -

    You know fast food is bad for you.

    But so is red meat, drugs, and f*ckin' around. And that hasn't stopped you.

    Here's some good news - Tyson Foods recently announced it will produce all of its fresh chicken without antibiotics — selling it in grocery stores under a "Raised Without Antibiotics" label. As the nation’s largest producer of chicken, Tyson is setting an important precedent for protecting public health.

    Now it's time to urge fast-food companies to follow Tyson's lead.

    Currently, an estimated 70 percent of antibiotics and related drugs in the United States are used in the feed and water of healthy animals — a practice with serious consequences for human health. Bacteria that are constantly exposed to antibiotics develop resistance to these drugs. When humans get sick from resistant bacteria, the antibiotics prescribed will no longer work.

    So enjoy that Big Mac and sign our petition to the nation's top fast-food companies urging them to help end this dangerous practice.

    Saturday, August 11, 2007

    A New Teacher in The Springs

    If you're a liberal writer/political activist and ever decide to move to the militaristic, conservative, white as sour cream, evangelical capital of the world - here are ten things you should *never say* your first week as a new social studies teacher.

    10. "Lovely classroom. Where should I put my Che poster?"

    9. "I'd love some! Are you serving anything that didn't once take a poop?"

    8. "Sure, I can turn it down. Rage Against the Machine isn't for everyone."

    7. "This is a framed picture of my kids in the newspaper. Cute huh? Yeah. They were marching in a gay pride parade. With Uncle Rita."

    6. "I appreciate it, but no thanks. Christ is not for me."

    5. "This area of my classroom is called the Peaceful Protest corner where students meditate and learn about nonviolent ways to resolve conflict. So those military recruitment pamphlets will have to go elsewhere. No judgments, though. Want some couscous?"

    4. "I stand *silently* for the Pledge of Allegiance. It's my thing."

    3. "Well, that's the way we did it in Tampa. And Boston."

    2. "Anyone else looking forward to a third season of Weeds?"

    And the number one thing you shouldn't say...ever...

    "Go on and Google me. I dare ya."

    Friday, August 10, 2007

    Ode to Family

    I've said it before: I am related to people who are remarkably different, yet we all love each other very much. Not sure what our differences have done for them, but for me - I am wiser and less judgmental because my wacky relatives keep me that way.

    A large and loving family, including in-laws (cause why not?) means I am related to:

    - Catholics. From Super Dupers (Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and the like) to those who only show up for church on Christmas and Easter. Also got a lot of Jews. Few Protestants. And a couple agnostics/atheists to keep the Catholics on edge and in constant prayer.

    - Democrats are the overwhelming majority. Thank God. But our Republican, Independent, Green and "I Don't Vote" contingents conspire to encourage original thought. Thank God.

    - Talkers. Characters. Shy and quiet folks as well. Plus an aunt who could pull $10K out of her bra to help any one of us. In a heartbeat.

    - Teachers, union members, union organizers, nurses, supervisors, doctors, lawyers, construction workers and a few on the dole.

    - Gazillion Micks ("of Irish descent") and Eastern Europeans that keep me busy for hours of entertaining arguments. My children love their Hispanic cousins. Other nationalities include those of Polish and Persian backgrounds as well. So lay off Iran and ethnic stereotypes. Or don't. Completely up to you.

    - Some who have graduated from elite universities and some that need state assistance to put food on the table. A few of both need pharmaceutical help just to crawl out of bed each morning. We got gifted and disabled, healthy and sick. More than a few drug addicts/alcoholics make reunions interesting while others run companies that encourage population control in third world countries and rock with Bono.

    - Bigots. Racists. An uncle once used to joke that the black Weeble-Wobbles belonged at the back of the Weeble-Wobble bus. Still. Took me on vacations as a kid and encouraged me to write. Yet another once told a Jewish joke before he knew I converted. In his defense, though, it was pretty funny. And not nearly as offensive as some of the Irish jokes he told at the dinner table.

    - A twice-removed cousin, who loves my Holiday Cards, and has been to every country in the world. Is now working on a book about God. And my favorite uncle who lives in the same small town in which he was born yet remains the wisest man I know.

    - Ton of old farts who are pro-life and several who swear Fox News tells the truth. *Love* those emails, folks, keep 'em coming. Younger peeps are more liberal and we keep the older ones in tune with the truth. Whether they like it or not.

    - A whole lot of folks from Wisconsin. 'Nuff said.

    - Several homosexuals and two former Marines. Everyone else is straight or at least pretends to be.

    - One woman who used to be a nun.

    - A hunter. I know. And when I visit, he always serves venison. Cause he *loves* my faces.

    - Three people who voted for Nixon. And are proud to tell you why they'd do it all over again.

    And we do really love each other. Most of us anyway. One cousin, Lenny* the Lawyer, is an asshole. But everyone else is all right.

    Steven Spielberg once said that racism would be eradicated if we were all related to at least one black person. Perhaps. I am more open-minded than most because, chances are, I'm related to at least one of everything out there.

    Wish everyone could say that - the world would be a more tolerant place.

    And so, I thank my family for what they've given me.

    Still. Who doesn't love a good lawyer joke?

    Extra! Extra! Scare Tactics Work!

    ...just in case you didn't know.

    The Democratic-controlled Congress did something deplorable last Saturday night: They gave President Bush and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales more unchecked power to wiretap your ass. Without a warrant.

    I know! The very same Attorney General who is currently up to his armpits in scandal and probably committed perjury on this very issue.

    Why did Congress cave? Good question. Because the president used fear to intimidate them.

    Enough is enough. Pretending they care, we should send a clear message to Congress that there is no trade-off between fundamental liberties and security. Preserving our Constitution is essential to our security—we can't sell freedom 'round the world when we're actively squashing it at home.

    This petition is a good place to start.

    Sure, our elected reps will laugh at us in the halls of Washington, poo-pooing as always, but everything on television is a rerun and Weeds hasn't started yet so what the f*ck?

    Give it a go.

    Thursday, August 09, 2007

    Step 7: Vote for Action

    Remember our energy (r)evolution?

    For the final step, Greenpeace needs your advice. Where would you like Greenpeace to do nonviolent direct actions about climate change, and energy efficiency in particular:
    • Protest at the stores of a big retailer - Show them how to take inefficient lightbulbs off the store shelves!
    • Pay a "very visible" visit to a lighting manufacturer - Tell them to stop making energy wasting lightbulbs!
    • Go straight to the source - Target the construction site of a new fossil fuel power station!

    Which would you do? Which would inspire people to do more for the environment?

    Have your say in an exclusive online poll.

    What's Wrong With America?

    From last night's debate, here's Obama shining on through...

    I find it amusing that those who helped to authorize and engineer the biggest foreign policy disaster in our generation are now criticizing me for making sure that we are on the right battlefield and not the wrong battlefield in the war against terrorism.

    And an important question (dare you not to cry) with John Edwards rockin' the free world...

    So many important issues. So many ways to be proud of our Democratic candidates. And so many opportunities to press them to do more.

    Yet this liberal loony, big ups to reader "rw" for spotting and sending it along to me, posts his/her nonsense over at DemocraticUnderground regarding such an important dialogue...
    Watched the AFL-CIO "debate" today. Here’s my thoughts.

    PULEASE! in a word. This crap is way too soon to be meaningful, but I
    appreciate Keith Olberman trying to reign in the horses.

    Obama is losing his foothold - He's a warmonger. He wants to escalate the
    war. And he's losing his smooth talking bump. For now I'll write it off as
    inexperience, at worst he's a DLC b*tch.

    Hilary - STFU C*NT, no one is listening to your sh*t - right left or
    center. I want a woman President TODAY. YOU are not that woman, you corporate
    whoring right wing piece of SH*T.

    Richardson - GAWD I want to like you, but I just can't. Get your sh*t
    together on immigration and I just might send you 10 bucks.

    Edwards - you dun good, son! You spoke on human rights. Your answers were
    down the line a Democrat. That is refreshing.

    Kucinich - What is there to say. I love you Dennis. Always and Forever!!
    You speak for me, every single day! You are the liberal I aspire to be!

    Biden - You share my anger, but you are a weak speaker.

    Dodd - you have the correct idea about Iraq but you are also a weak
    speaker. And I loved the comment about the Saudis! You need to fight back HARDER
    against Obama! I feel your passion, but he owned you.

    There ya have my review!

    Can someone go over there and tell these people the Anarchists United for Planet Zupteria called and want to give them all free memberships?

    They're as nutty as the neocons who think global warming is a hoax.

    Wednesday, August 08, 2007

    Utah Mine Owner - Assbag of the Week

    Workers are trapped and might be dying, yet Bob Murray takes time during a press conference to berate the press, defend the coal mining industry, attack global warming experts, and rant against the United Mine Workers of America. (None of his mines are union.)

    Who put this loo-loo in front of a microphone?

    In addition to being a loud-mouth whack job, Murray is also a big time liar pants. Shocker!

    While the report doesn't prove this type of retreat mining caused the collapse
    that trapped six men in Emery County, it does suggest that the company has yet
    to paint a complete picture of the type of work being done in the mine.
    Perhaps Boss Murray should worry less about defending his right-wing, corporate, political views and worry more about finding his miners.

    Oh. And get someone else to brief reporters.

    Old codger belongs in a home, sipping iced tea and watching People's Court.

    Tuesday, August 07, 2007

    How Green Is Your Candidate?

    Grist and Outside magazine have teamed up to gauge the green-ness of the 2008 presidential candidates in a series of interviews.

    You'll also find fact sheets on the candidates detailing their respective positions on the issues.

    Sample question: "If George Bush were a plant or an animal, what kind of plant or animal would he be?"

    My answer: "Kumquat, because he bears small fruit, and a puppy - he pisses all over everything and expects everyone else to clean it up."

    Either way.

    Won't You Be My Neighbor?

    Off to a smashing start.

    "Hi folks, I'm Dave. I live across the street."

    "Nice to meet you, Dave."

    "When I saw you move in last weekend with all those people helping you, I
    thought to myself, 'Wow. Those guys have quite a church group!"

    Even better when our kids get in on the act.
    "Hi, I'm Sue. I live a few doors down. Where you from?"


    "Oh! I thought maybe Colorado because you have Colorado tags."

    "Yeah, I've been here a year. My wife and boys just joined me. Oh, here's
    one of my boys. This is Oldest."

    "Hi Oldest."

    "Hi. Yeah. My dad really missed us while we were away. He cried on the

    (awkward pause)

    "Every day he cried."

    (even longer awkward pause)

    "Okay. Welcome to the neighborhood!"

    Wait'll we put up our mezuzah. They're gonna *love* us.

    Monday, August 06, 2007

    We Accomplished Something(s)

    #1 - On Saturday, Americans achieved an important milestone when the U.S. House of Representatives passed an energy bill that would significantly boost the nation's energy security and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

    For the first time in history, the House passed an energy package that included a national renewable electricity standard requiring electric utilities to obtain at least 15 percent of their power from a combination of energy efficiency and renewable sources—such as the wind and sun. If passed into law, this standard would not only be a significant step forward in combating global warming, but would also create jobs and save consumers money on their electric bills.

    Congress will begin the process of reconciling the House and Senate Energy Bills in a conference committee when they return from recess in September. In order to turn this historic progress into actual law, we will have to redouble our efforts to ensure strong, clean energy standards and strong fuel economy standards are included in the final version.

    #2 - Here’s how Judith Lichtman, the "mother" of Family Leave, described what happened:

    "At 6:30 a.m. last Thursday July 27, I learned that the President’s Commission on Care for America’s Returning Wounded Warriors- recommended that the Family and Medical Leave Act be amended, to include family members who need to take family leave to care for returning disabled veterans. I talked to (Hillary Clinton's) Senate office at 7 a.m., and Senator Clinton indicated her strong support for sponsoring such legislation at 7:30 a.m.

    "Those of you who know anything about the legislative process know that it takes months - sometimes years - to pass legislation, but Senator Clinton did it in less then seven days. She worked out the language and forged broad bipartisan support, including Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Elizabeth Dole (R-NC), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), and Chris Dodd (D-CT).

    "The bottom line - (on) August 2, the Senate passed the amendment by voice vote!

    "In my view, it would be hard to overstate the extraordinary leadership Senator Clinton provided - all to make a difference in the lives of families - addressing THEIR needs.”

    #3 - Pro-choice senators led the fight to defeat an anti-choice amendment to the children's health bill by a vote of 50 – 49. That's one single vote.

    If your senator voted pro-choice, send him/her a message now.

    The failed amendment, offered by one of my elected representatives, anti-choice Sen. Wayne Allard, would have enshrined a controversial Bush administration regulation into law - forever. This Bush regulation allows states to make an embryo or a fetus—but not a pregnant woman—eligible for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

    That's right—anti-choice senators completely ignored pregnant women.

    This amendment showed just what anti-choice politicians will do to undermine a woman's right to choose, even if it means derailing a bill that would provide health care for children and working families.

    When anti-choice senators tried this "sneak attack," we went to work, contacting Senate offices and making sure the facts got out to the right people. Moments after Sen. Allard introduced his amendment with loads of misleading anti-choice rhetoric, we sent a rebuttal to Senate offices refuting his statement point by point. This rebuttal helped pro-choice senators prevail.

    This close vote is a reminder for us. We made big gains in last year's elections and restored pro-choice leadership to the Senate. But legislative attacks like the Allard amendment underscore our need to continue to elect more pro-choice senators.

    Danger Ahead: Back to School Shopping

    Will re-post this every year until we stop seeing stain and (now) water-resistent clothing.
    Buying clothes for my children is frustrating.

    Stain and wrinkle-resistant pants and shorts are everywhere and I'm alarmed
    at the lack of alternatives.

    Right. I'm one of those parents.

    I serve healthy organic food, sing John Lennon lullabies, restrict
    television use, and play newspaper games with my kids called "Let's Find the Bad
    Republican." I'd love to wrap them in hemp bags, but school uniforms are the way
    to roll right now. Fine. Just keep carcinogens out of the fabric.

    Clothing for kids should not be coated in chemicals.

    Please contact Target or The Children's Place and demand that healthier options be
    offered as well.

    Better safe than sorry.

    Sunday, August 05, 2007

    A Moment for Obama

    I've said it before: No clue who to support for POTUS.

    However, my cousin puts forth an interesting argument for Senator Barack Obama. And so I submit part of her argument here for your review.

    What scares me is Hillary's unfavorable rating is so high which equates to big problems in a general election. Her unfavorable rating is 42% the highest among both Dem and Rep candidates. That doesn't give us much wiggle room to sway the undecided votes in the general election folks! However, Obama's unfavorable rating is only 18%-the lowest among both parties. I personally haven't talked to one single Republican or Independent who would support Hillary in the general election. That is not comforting. Obama, however, with his unique ability to bring people together has appealed to some of my Republican and Independent friends. Some of whom I never thought would consider voting for a Democrat.

    The democratic convention of 2004 was my first introduction to Obama and the more I've read, researched, and listened (I heard him speak in person as well), the more I feel like he is exactly what this country needs right now. I'm tired of being angry at my country, Republicans and Fox News! I want to believe in my country again and Obama gives me that hope.

    I love our country too much to not fight for it which is why I'm spending my Saturday afternoon compiling this email. I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and welcome your comments.

    If you don't have time to read his book and want to know more about him,
    check out this great introduction.

    Saturday, August 04, 2007

    So Charlie Crist Did Something Right?

    Say it ain't so.

    Florida's Governor hosted the Summit on Climate Change, bringing state, national and international leaders, scientists and business and environmental groups together to discuss one of the most important issues facing Florida. Governor Crist (still hurts to see that in print) took immediate action, signing three executive orders requiring utilities to lower carbon dioxide emissions and mandating state agencies to conserve energy. He also signed two international agreements with Germany and Britain to tackle the global problem. These important first steps will help the state begin to address global climate change -- and help ensure a brighter future for Florida's wildlife.

    In related environmental news...

    With only days left to speak up for wolves in the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Rockies region, time is running out to let federal officials know what you think about their plans for our wolves.

    If you’ve never taken action before, now is the time to make your voice heard: Monday, August 6th is the deadline -- the clock is ticking to stop the slaughter of hundreds of wolves.

    Watch this video, and then -- if you haven't already -- join the courageous folks from across the country who are fighting to save our wolves.

    Grapes of Wrath All Over Again

    July flew by for many of us. Beaches, vacations, trying to find our way around the corner without getting lost or winding up on New Life Church's property...

    However, for San Joaquin Valley farm workers, July brought on 31 days of struggle. In July, workers were exposed to toxic pesticides through two major poisonings; experienced heat law violations on a daily basis and were cheated by growers and foremen out of their already meager wages.

    Yesterday, San Joaquin Valley farm workers held a press conference to bring a month-long list of labor violations to light. They demanded California enforce the laws and stop the agricultural industry from violating their rights.

    The farm workers attending yesterday's press conference are sick and tired of leaving their lives in the hands of state organizations that are not able to enforce the law and growers who do not respect it.

    Please stand up for these brave workers who took the huge step of speaking up for themselves and fighting a corrupt system. It just isn’t right that farm workers should face these daily abuses.

    E-mail Cal OSHA--the agency responsible for protecting farm workers --TODAY. Tell Cal-OSHA enough is enough. Something needs to be done about growers ignoring the law.

    Friday, August 03, 2007

    Hopefully It's Not Too Late

    President Bush is facing more resistance than he expected as he tries to undo oversight for NSA spying.

    The Los Angeles Times exposed that the Bush Administration's real motivation is a disagreement with the top-secret FISA court that limits spying abuses. If Congress gives Bush what he wants, those legal limits won't be in his way.

    Take action right now -- before Congress sells out our privacy.

    Thursday, August 02, 2007

    And, To Think, I Used to Like La Teresita



    MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 2007

    AT 5:30 PM


    (Would pay good money for someone to ask him about that head of hair or how he changes his every opinion to satisfy the right-wing donors in his life.)

    Step 6: Petition the Indian Government to Ban the Bulb

    Remember our energy revolution?

    The next step is about challenging governments to outlaw energy wasting lightbulbs. Climate change is a global emergency, we need to look for opportunities where we can make big differences by working together.

    There's a bold plan to ban energy wasting lightbulbs in one of the world's largest and fastest growing economies - India. Greenpeace India says the time to do it is now, and with your help they can.

    Call on India's Minister of Power to ban energy wasting lightbulbs.

    Imagine if a country with over a billion people all switched to energy saving lightbulbs... preventing an estimated 55 million tonnes of CO2 pollution per year... It would change the world!

    Fanning the Flames of Marital Bliss

    Our new house doesn't have air conditioning. Colorado Springs is warm for maybe three weeks out of the year and even then there is this cool breeze at night that, I must admit, sells the place.

    Ahhh. Breathe it in.

    Living in a house that relies on fresh mountain air instead of megawatts fills me with a giddy sensation that can only be attributed to moral superiority. My carbon footprint is getting ever more neutral. And that makes me so much better than you.

    Plus I'm all about a low electric bill.

    Of course, Husband and Children are different. Their Indian names are Keepers of the Heat I, II, and III. My boys break out in a sweat playing Nintendo. As a result, living without an artificial cooling system has them a under the collar.

    Yesterday, Husband asked me to "pick up a fan for the boys' room."

    Not a problem. Came home with this.

    What the f*ck - it oscillates. Set it up myself on the edge of their dresser. Cause I rock with "no assembly required."

    Husband came home and wanted to know if the thing came with extra rubberbands to make it go faster. Sent the kids into my room, one after the other, interrupting Jon Stewart no less, with questions like,

    "Mommy, where's the spray bottle that goes underneath?"

    Few minutes later...

    "Can we rename our room Auschwitz?"

    Always with the Holocaust references. My fault. Married a Jew and all.

    Started ignoring them when Oldest shouted,

    "Is this what George Bush's ass feels like?"

    Finally, I soaked wash cloths in cold water, slapped them on the heat stroke victims' necks, and repeated the word melodramatic over and over inside my head while Husband made a midnight run for something more appropriate.

    This five foot tall fire hazard.

    Now I must wear a winter coat when entering my children's room. And my carbon footprint isn't nearly as neutral. And I can't act quite as superior.

    But at least my kids aren't requesting water every fifteen minutes and I can watch Jon Stewart in peace. That's gotta count for something.

    One More Thing

    Right now, the House is getting ready to vote on the Energy
    Bill--legislation that could save consumers money, create
    American jobs, and decrease global warming pollution.
    Unfortunately, automakers and utilities have pulled out all the
    stops to try to stop them from passing a strong bill.

    Please urge your representative to listen to constituents, not
    to corporate interests. We want fuel efficiency and renewable
    energy amendments that are good for consumers and the climate
    added to the Energy Bill today!

    Email your representative.

    Or, to have a bigger impact, call your representative's office.

    Both of which can be done during a commercial break. Fat ass.

    Wednesday, August 01, 2007

    No Nukes

    Yesterday, the New York Times reported that nuclear power industry lobbyists were able to bury without review a provision in the energy bill passed by the Senate.

    Cause Senators figure we're too busy worrying about Nicole Richie to notice.

    This provision could provide for tens of billions of dollars in subsidies to build new nuclear power plants.

    Unless the House takes action to sh*tcan these subsidies, we could end up with an energy bill that provides $25 billion for new nuclear power plants and only $4 billion for alternative energy.

    Take action now to block funding for new nuclear power plants.

    The House of Representatives is set to vote this Friday on comprehensive energy legislation that will be combined with the Senate bill. This House bill may be our only opportunity this year to ensure that our tax dollars are invested in renewable energy sources -- like solar and wind -- and not nuclear power.

    Tell your representative to fully fund renewable energy, not new nuclear plants.

    Barack Obama Needs You, Colorado!

    In the upcoming weeks, various Colorado counties will be holding organizational meetings to launch the Colorado Movement for Senator Obama.

    Attend a meeting in your county and learn how you can help.

    These meetings will bring together dedicated volunteers and organizers to help make the Colorado Movement a success.

    Still undecided, I won't be joining unless I hear more specific plans for universal health care. But you go, Obama supporters. Go even more, even.

    Restore Integrity to the Justice Department

    Congress is beginning to get it.

    After years of evidence that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is both an embarrassment and a danger to the Justice Department, The Seattle Times reports that Congressman Jay Inslee (D-WA), "will introduce a resolution directing the House Judiciary Committee to investigate whether Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should be impeached."

    Democracy for America has been pushing Congress to take this action for months. Over 80,000 members have already petitioned their representatives.

    Now that we've made real progress on Capitol Hill, will you show your support for the impeachment resolution by becoming a Citizen Co-Sponsor?