I've said it before: I am related to people who are remarkably different, yet we all love each other very much. Not sure what our differences have done for them, but for me - I am wiser and less judgmental because my wacky relatives keep me that way.
A large and loving family, including in-laws (cause why not?) means I am related to:
- Catholics. From Super Dupers (Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and the like) to those who only show up for church on Christmas and Easter. Also got a lot of Jews. Few Protestants. And a couple agnostics/atheists to keep the Catholics on edge and in constant prayer.
- Democrats are the overwhelming majority. Thank God. But our Republican, Independent, Green and "I Don't Vote" contingents conspire to encourage original thought. Thank God.
- Talkers. Characters. Shy and quiet folks as well. Plus an aunt who could pull $10K out of her bra to help any one of us. In a heartbeat.
- Teachers, union members, union organizers, nurses, supervisors, doctors, lawyers, construction workers and a few on the dole.
- Gazillion Micks ("of Irish descent") and Eastern Europeans that keep me busy for hours of entertaining arguments. My children love their Hispanic cousins. Other nationalities include those of Polish and
Persian backgrounds as well. So lay off Iran and ethnic stereotypes. Or don't. Completely up to you.
- Some who have graduated from elite universities and some that need state assistance to put food on the table. A few of both need pharmaceutical help just to crawl out of bed each morning. We got gifted and disabled, healthy and sick. More than a few drug addicts/alcoholics make reunions interesting while others run companies that encourage population control in third world countries and rock with Bono.
- Bigots. Racists. An uncle once used to joke that the black Weeble-Wobbles belonged at the back of the Weeble-Wobble bus. Still. Took me on vacations as a kid and encouraged me to write. Yet another once told a Jewish joke before he knew I converted. In his defense, though, it was pretty funny. And not nearly as offensive as some of the Irish jokes he told at the dinner table.
- A twice-removed cousin, who loves my Holiday Cards, and has been to every country in the world. Is now working on a book about God. And my favorite uncle who lives in the same small town in which he was born yet remains the wisest man I know.
- Ton of old farts who are pro-life and several who swear Fox News tells the truth. *Love* those emails, folks, keep 'em coming. Younger peeps are more liberal and we keep the older ones in tune with the truth. Whether they like it or not.
- A whole lot of folks from Wisconsin. 'Nuff said.
- Several homosexuals and two former Marines. Everyone else is straight or at least pretends to be.
- One woman who used to be a nun.
- A hunter. I know. And when I visit, he always serves venison. Cause he *loves* my faces.
- Three people who voted for Nixon. And are proud to tell you why they'd do it all over again.
And we do really love each other. Most of us anyway. One cousin, Lenny* the Lawyer, is an asshole. But everyone else is all right.
Steven Spielberg once said that racism would be eradicated if we were all related to at least one black person. Perhaps. I am more open-minded than most because, chances are, I'm related to at least one of everything out there.
Wish everyone could say that - the world would be a more tolerant place.
And so, I thank my family for what they've given me.
Still. Who doesn't love a good lawyer joke?