What is God Trying to Tell Us?
If you believe in God, that is.
James Dobson encouraged his mouthbreathing followers to pray for a storm to hit Denver as Obama spoke to the nation Thursday night. Didn't happen. Instead, a storm is set to hit New Orleans right at the moment Dubya takes the stage at the Republican National Convention.
There are more than a few people on the right who believe that Falwell, Robertson, et. al. are correct in that disasters like Katrina and 9/11, hell, even AIDS, are sent from God as punishment for homosexuality, abortion, and the popularity of Simon Cowell. Surely they must believe that a monstrous hurricane plunging toward the same place the administration ignored almost three years ago is divine retribution for something right? It only makes sense if you believe one ridiculous idea to believe this, too.
Right. God hates Republicans.
At any rate, I'm hoping that the good people of New Orleans will be spared this time. I mean, Dubya didn't send the Louisiana National Guard to Iraq this time. And he's not scheduled to eat cake with John McCain at the moment thousands of poor people are drowning. This time. He's also got someone in charge of FEMA who might actually do a decent job. This time.
But the infrastructure of New Orleans still isn't prepared for the force of Gustav so people are evacuating. This is what happens when regressive tax policies are put in force. Save your money people! And watch our cities fall under the weight of catastrophic storms, faulty levees and crumbling bridges.
It doesn't matter if the Republicans cancel their convention or not. They'll be partying while our country, and cities, fall - either in St. Paul or somewhere else.
They have been for the past eight years after all.
(Don't wait for Dubya. Do something to help the people of New Orleans by clicking here.)