Wednesday, February 28, 2007

City of Progress, My Ass

Caving in to pressure from religious fanatics, the Largo City Commission recommended that Steve Stanton be fired.

Two Things You Can Do

1.) Email Largo Commissioners. Equality Florida has prepared an editable email that you can personalize or send as is.

2.) Call Largo City Hall (727-587-6700) and express your support for Steve and for workplace diversity.

Tell commissioners that it's not too late to stop this discriminatory move.

Vegetarian Blues

Saw my hot hematologist today so he could clear me for surgery.

No such luck.

Seems my platelet count is about the same as always, on the low side, so he's gotta call Dr. Berger (or "Lew" because he and my hematologist are BFFs) to see if a few days of steroids are in order.

I really hate that my platelet count is so low. On an intellectual level, I know that my eat right-exercise-do no harm philosophy doesn't guarantee good health. But g*ddamn. It should.

Then my brother sends me this:

Risks and benefits of vegetarian diets

Vegetarian diets have been credited with decreasing the incidence of severity of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diverticular, osteoporosis and cancer of the breast, colon, prostateand lung.

In general, both morbidity and mortality rates for coronary artery disease are lower among vegetarians than non-vegetarians, possibly because of better bloodlipid profiles.

The vegetarian diet may lead to a decrease in plasma cholesterol and an increase in the ratio of high-density lipoprotein to low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Vegetarian diets contain a higher ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids, which may reduce platelet aggregation and blood clotting, possibly by altering the fatty acid composition of blood platelets.

My meatloaf-eating parents are thrilled right now.

What's the solution? I'm not giving up my cruelty-free diet. Perhaps there is some herbal tea that'll clear this up. I don't want to take steroids.

Although, if I do, and steroids make me want to kick some ass... maybe we can stage a boxing match between me and Michael Hussey with the proceeds benefitting me. Shopping spree. Victoria's Secret?

I think I can take him. With or without the juice.

A Blogging Event

Last night, bay area bloggers got together in South Tampa to eat, drink, and, in the case of one unidentified web writer, eavesdrop and make inappropriate comments.

Oh wait. That was me.

Decent turn-out for our first effort. Jim Johnson played the role of charming host, mingling amidst the crowd with well-timed words of encouragement. He's as thoughtful as his site suggests, even-keeled with a warm smile that immediately put me at ease. I felt welcomed into the group even though I arrived late because, let's face it, I can't find my way around the corner without getting lost.

Lisa, always a doll, gave me a hug. She probably just wanted to feel the girls one last time before they're gone for good.

Who doesn't?

Joel, Jason, and other illustrious Sticks and non-Sticks writers (some with the best designed facial hair ever, and I don't even like facial hair) all echoed the same question I ask myself every day: "Aren't you supposed to be moving?"

Take it easy, boys. I'll be gone soon enough.

But who will take my place? Come on, when you want to chat up a local Jewish liberal vegetarian teacher/mom who believes "Thou shall wax" should be the 11th commandment, I'm the only show in town.

Which brings me to another observation - our little corner of the Internet lacks some serious diversity. Lisa and I were the only girl bloggers. Joel says he's Hispanic. Everyone else - white and male.

We can do better than that, right?

Speaking of male and white - how yummy is Dave in a tie, all business-like and sh*t - with Tim kicking his young professor vibe? Blogs are no longer just for Trekkie-types. Good news all the way around.

Tommy, our own Mack-Daddy, moved like a king through his kingdom while another Tim took pictures of everyone but me. I learned about site names, gay clubs in Kentucky, and the efforts of a Lakeland liberal to bring civility and charm to that part of the "bay area".

Politics, censorship, Beastie Boys, and local legends were all up for discussion. Plus the Guinness was great.

We're a friendly bunch. You should come join us next time.

The teachers' union sucks, but still...

The House of Representatives will debate and hopefully pass a bill restoring American workers' right to freely choose whether or not to form a union.

Show your support for the Employee Free Choice Act.

Research shows union members earn 30% more than nonunion workers. Plus, union workers are 63% more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, and are four times more likely to have a guaranteed pension.

The benefits of union membership are clear.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Victory In Texas - Who Knew?

Environmental Defense helped negotiate an aggressive environmental platform that will, among other things:

- Terminate plans for the construction of 8 of 11 coal-fired power plants TXU had hoped to build;
- Stop TXU's plans to expand coal operations in other states;
- Endorse the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) platform, including the call for a mandatory federal cap on carbon emissions; and
- Reduce the company's carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.

Here's the story in The New York Times.

This is a huge victory for the environmental community. It sends a clear message about the undeniable momentum in calling for federal global warming legislation.

Ob La De Ob La Da

From Equality Florida -

Tonight, City of Largo Commissioners will consider a resolution
to fire City Manager Steve Stanton, a 17-year veteran of the
city. Steve recently announced that he is transgender and will be
completing the gender reassignment process in the coming year.

Largo Mayor Pat Gerard, Police Chief Lester Aradi and other city
administrators have been extremely supportive of the city manager and are doing
an excellent job of educating the community.

Commissioner Mary Black's divisive move to fire Steve amounts to
employment discrimination and must be stopped.

The proposed resolution to remove the city manager will be voted on

Please send an email now.

UPDATE: Have I mentioned how much I hate it when the bad guys win?

On a lighter note, friend of mine has a cousin who's trying for a guest anchor gig on Today. Go here and vote for David Burge. (UPDATE: Voting is done for today. Perhaps we can try again tomorrow.)

Homeboy has balls - wearing a pink shirt and yellow bowtie on national television. That alone ought to put him over the edge.

h/t Rachel* and Matt


For over 50 years, timber companies have logged many of the biggest trees and some of the best habitat in Alaska's Tongass National Forest. Now, as a result of an Earthjustice court victory, the Forest Service has the opportunity to create a new future for the Tongass: please support protecting this magnificent coastal rainforest for generations to come.


Also, the US Fish and Wildlife Service wants to protect polar bears from the effects of global warming by listing them as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act -- you can encourage them by sending a quick email.

Women Have Paid Too Much for Far Too Long

A few days ago, I posted an entry about the Prevention First Act. As always, I wrote to my representative in Congress to voice support. And, as always, her response is a joke.

An excerpt:

I continue to be a supporter of teen pregnancy prevention programs and emergency
contraception for rape victims. However, I have concerns with mandating an
insurance company to provide coverage for contraception. In addition to the
costs that mandated health benefits add to our health insurance system,
contraceptives are a personal choice that a woman and her partner must make.
Requiring a health insurance provider, and thus a business, organization, or
association offering that insurance, to cover a decision that should remain in
the family is wrong. As a woman, I respect a person's right to choose a
contraceptive; as a lawmaker, I also respect objection to such coverage.

Referred to the House Committees on Energy Commerce, Ways and Means, and
Education and Labor, H.R. 819 is awaiting further legislative action. Should the
bill come before me on the House floor, rest assured that I will keep your
comments in mind.

Ginny Brown-Waite
Member of Congress

How many other medical decisions should remain in the family and therefore aren't eligible, according to Ginny Brown-Waite, for insurance coverage? I know! How about when daddy can no longer get it up for mommy? Most insurance plans jumped right on the Viagra train without scheduling a single family meeting beforehand.

Birth control treats certain diseases in addition to costing less than prenatal care, birth, and delivery of an unplanned pregnancy. If an insurance plan covers prescription drugs, it should include birth control.

Monday, February 26, 2007

See You There

A quick reminder about Tuesday night's meetup.


If you're in the neighborhood, but can't make drinks, visit the School Board meeting instead. They might soon switch to daytime hours - so speak now or forever hold your piece.

I mean, peace.

It's FCAT Time

Which blows, by the way.

Good News

Drug company ends push to make vaccine mandatory

Facing adverse reaction from parents, doctors and advocacy groups, Merck and Co. said Tuesday that it would stop lobbying state governments for laws mandating that pre-teen girls be vaccinated against cervical cancer. The Wall Street Journal reports that Merck, which makes the vaccine Gardasil to protect against the human papillomavirus (HPV), had initially been successful in convincing such state leaders as Texas governor Rick Perry to order the vaccinations. But Gardasil is expensive, the Journal reports — $360 for a three-dose regimen — and HPV, believed to cause
most of the cases of cervical cancer in the United States, is spread through
sexual contact. Many parent and advocacy groups had objected to the vaccine,
because it might have forced them into talking about subjects they weren't ready
to discuss with their daughters. And because the vaccine's approval is new, some
physicians expressed concern about possible side effects. The Journal quotes
Merck's executive director of medical affairs, Richard Haupt, as saying the
company had decided that the adverse reaction was a distraction from the
original goal of immunizing as many women as possible. Merck has "decided at
this point not to lobby for school laws any further," the newspaper quotes Haupt
as saying.
-- HealthDay News

h/t Becky

Teachers Do

Friend of mine invited a co-worker to happy hour. Big mistake.

"No thank you. It's deplorable that teachers attend happy hour right down the street from their school," she said in her non-acceptance speech. "I don't even order a glass of wine with dinner unless I'm in Pasco County or something. Far enough away where I won't run into any of my students."

I know. Pasco County restaurants serve wine?

This particular teacher's list of no-no's doesn't just include an occasional adult beverage. She believes most modern educators are immoral and longs for the days when teachers were kept under virtual house arrest each evening after their tea and mandatory Bible reading.

I happen to believe she is horribly misguided.

Teachers shouldn't have to hide themselves away as if everyday experiences are shameful events. We are human beings and entitled to full and complete lives. Obviously - drug buys on campus shouldn't be tolerated. Yet teachers who live in self-imposed exile take their jobs way too seriously. And, as a result, aren't nearly as effective.

That's right. We aren't doing our jobs if we're not out there mucking it up. The more non-traditional, the more broad our world view and then everyone wins.

Fellow teachers - drink alcohol, write steamy novels, protest nuclear power plants, frequent nudist resorts, attend passion parties, perform in rock bands, and bring an arsenal of experiences from which to draw when dealing with a diverse and ever complicated student population.

Good teachers do this already. And our students are all the better for it.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I Am Open to Suggestions

Two weeks from tomorrow, two procedures will restore my body to its former glory.

I know. Can hardly wait.

Recovery takes about ten days so I'm wondering which movies and books might help me heal.

The Big Lebowski and Casablanca are good for any situation. Perhaps Shut Up and Sing?

Real Boys and I Feel Bad About My Neck are already on my night table.

Must. Find. The Secret.

What else?

Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

So nice. Wonder what picture he'll post? Plenty of room for another slut in the faculty lounge of Superior High School.

And does anyone know the genuis behind this gem? If so, pass the tip to me. I'd like to give him or her a wet, juicy kiss.

If It's Organic, Don't Panic

United Farm Workers wants your feedback on food safety issues.

Come on, those grapes will taste so much better if you take less than five minutes to help the people who help bring them to your table.

Happy munching!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Do you really want to prevent abortions? Let's see...


Prevention First Act will help prevent unintended pregnancies, thereby reducing the need for abortion, and improve women's health.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) are the chief sponsors of the bill, which also has the support of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and many others.

Prevention First means honest, realistic sex education for our teens; better access to birth control, including emergency contraception, for women; and improved family-planning services for couples who may not otherwise have access to a doctor.

It's positive and powerful!

With the new Congress, we can find common ground on abortion and help to prevent unintended pregnancies. Contact your members of Congress in support of the Prevention First Act.

Of Course, I'd Rather Be Naked

Fur is dead. And yucky.

Usually the skinning-alive process is pretty grotesque, therefore wearing the poor baby's skin and all just invites bad karma and happenings upon your person.

Wait and see. I'm always right.

Several people are up in arms because dog fur has been sold on jackets in this country. Minks? Fine. Man's best friend? Not so much.

From the Humane Society:

H.R. 891, introduced by Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) and Rep. Mike Ferguson
(R-NJ), would require all fur-trimmed garments to be labeled, which would help
prevent dog fur from slipping into the country. And it would prohibit the sale
of fur from raccoon dogs, members of the dog family who were seen being skinned
alive in undercover video footage.
Please take just a moment to contact your member of Congress today. Tell lawmakers that dogs should be spared from misery and consumers spared from deception.

We wanna pet Fido. Not wear him.

And the Award Goes To...

"We all are. Act accordingly."

Martin Scorsese (enjoyed watching my old neighborhood on film), Forest Whitaker, Helen Mirren, Jennifer Hudson, and Eddie Murphy should walk away with Oscar Gold. However, there are other awards being handed out this weekend as well.

From EDF's Global Warming Globie Awards:

Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels wins Best Performance by a State or
Local Official
for spearheading a national effort to organize America's
cities to cut carbon dioxide pollution 7% below 1990 levels by 2012.

US-CAP walks away with Best Performance in the Corporate
for calling for immediate, effective global warming legislation
in Congress which represents a real game changer in our global warming

In contrast, Exxon wins Worst Performance by a
. In spite of recent softening in its corporate rhetoric
against global warming action, ExxonMobil wasn't able to obscure its decade-long
and multi-million dollar public relations campaign to undermine the scientific
consensus on global warming.

By calling global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humankind,
Senator Inhofe has solidified his legacy as one of the leading global warming
deniers of our time and lays claim to Most Egregious Contribution to
Public Ignorance and Denial
. His kids must be so proud.

Do your part and write your own acceptance speech. If not for us, then for our children.

Friday, February 23, 2007

New Iowa Poll Numbers

IOWA: A new Strategic Vision-R poll was released Wednesday of likely Iowa caucus participants.

Republicans: Rudy Giuliani - 29%, John McCain - 22%, Newt Gingrich - 11%, Mitt Romney - 9%, Chuck Hagel - 5%, Tommy Thompson - 3%, and all others with 2% or less apiece.

Democrats: John Edwards - 24%, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama tied with 18% each, Tom Vilsack - 14%, Joe Biden - 5%, Bill Richardson - 3%, and all others with 2% or less apiece.

Interestingly, 48% of Republican respondents said they favored "a withdrawal of all United States military from Iraq within the next six months" -- versus 37% opposed the idea.

By contrast, Democrats favored withdrawal by a 64-9 margin.

These pro-withdrawal numbers could bode ill in Iowa for candidates in both parties who either are pro-surge or waffle on Iraq.

h/t Elizabeth

UPDATE: In related news, Vilsack is out.

Can You Feel the Excitement?

My brother and his lovely wife attended a Barack Obama rally. Insight and video here.

Idiots Rule

Nevada's Democratic Party just announced plans to let Fox News host a presidential primary debate.

Yes, please, Bill O'Reilly can write the questions and Sean Hannity can pose them. Then we can listen to jerk-offs mispronounce Barack Obama's name accidentally-on purpose or spread lies about the good Senator attending a terrorist school.

Sign this petition asking the Democratic Party of Nevada to 1) get its collective head out of its collective ass and 2) drop Fox as its partner for the presidential primary debate.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dude Looks Like a Lady

A city manager from Largo is going from he to she. Tommy, The St. Petersburg Times and now The Tampa Tribune are on it.

Steve (soon to be: Susan) Stanton wants the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of designer shoes.

Part of the process involves living as a woman for a year. This means wearing dresses or skirts, complaining about hypertension, and using the women's restroom at work. Lipstick is optional.

I can imagine what his/her colleagues are talking about today. The mayor supports his valued employee, but I'm sure more than a few co-workers (including the creep that forwarded his emails to The Times) will cackle about "feeling uncomfortable" with the whole thing.

Get over it. Dude's been faking it for 47 years and ought to be able to live without harassment from closed-minded city workers.

I do think it's a shame that Stanton didn't get this worked out before bringing children into the world.

Stanton has a 13 year-old son. Puberty is hard enough without dealing with dad in a skirt. The Trib reports father and son haven't discussed it yet. Really? (S)he has undergone extensive psychological testing, hormone therapy and painful electrolysis for years. Perhaps there were not enough commercial breaks where a quick family meeting could have been penciled in?

I'm all for equal rights. However, when parents put their own needs ahead of their kids, trouble usually follows.

Those Who Wish to Serve

--This morning, Senator John Edwards will be on the Today Show. Meredith Vierra will conduct the interview at 7:06 AM EST to talk about Iraq, Health Care, and other ways this administration has messed up our world. Tune in!

--Regarding Hillary, a word from Bill:

Look, with Republicans using everything in their arsenal to stop her
campaign, Hillary is going to need every one of us to do everything that we can
for her.

During eight years in the White House, Hillary and I faced a constant
barrage of attacks from Washington Republicans. No insult was off-limits. No
tactic was too low. They threw everything they could at us -- but we beat them
time and time again.

The attacks on Hillary haven't stopped, and she hasn't stopped winning. You
know how they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Well, Hillary is as
strong as they come.
Go girl. Go even more even.

--And my brother called me the other day from Los Angeles.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm at a Barack Obama rally, Kate," he said. "I've got momentum and hope. I've got energy and enthusiasm. I've got historical sh*t goin' on. What've you got?"

(long pause)

"Post-nasal drip and a sale on support hose."

More on that later...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pay Attention to the Fine Print

According the Trib, Hillsborough County's School Board is ready to drop from its calender all religious holidays next year, except Christmas. Because the Lord's birthday just happens to coincide with Winter Break. Nice how that works out. Oh well, no more Good Friday, Rosh Hashanah or Fair Day.

Fair enough.

The end of the article hits you with news that our board might also change "its meetings from evenings to daytime starting in April, hearing public comments earlier in those meetings, and giving some speakers more time. The proposal comes after a meeting last week at which irate teachers waited nearly four hours to speak about schedule changes and were given two minutes each."

Yes, imagine how thrilled teachers will be when they hear that meetings will soon take place when they're...wait for it...want it...own it...that's right - teaching!

Fan-f*cking-tastic, Elia. You guys rock.

From the Pasco Democratic Party -

Democratic Women's Club Meeting:
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Time: 10:30 am
New Port Richey Public Library
5939 Main St, New Port Richey, FL 34652
Speaker: Dr. Marc Yacht
Please call Louise Hinkley, President
For additional information at 727-848-1902


West Pasco Democrats Meeting:
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Time: 1:00 pm
New Port Richey Public Library
5939 Main St, New Port Richey, FL 34652
"Democrats Working Together"
Please call Louise Hinkley, Vice President, WPDC
For additional information at 727-848-1902
Topic: Amendments to current bylaws and other matters.

Something Better Than a Hybrid

Check out "The Greenest Vehicles of 2007," a list released this week by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.

Top scorers:

1) Honda Civic GX

2) Toyota Prius
3) Honda Civic Hybrid
4) Nissan Altima Hybrid
5) Toyota Yaris
6) Toyota Corolla
7) Toyota Camry Hybrid
8) Honda Fit
9) Kia Rio / Rio 5
10) Hyundai Accent
11) Hyundai Elantra
12) Honda Civic

Green is the new black. And driving an energy-efficient automobile is almost as sexy as giving up meat and drinking chai tea. So hot.

The ACEEE also publishes a "Meanest Vehicles" list of unrepentant gas-guzzlers. For the sinners among you...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How Much Do You Support Our Troops?

From -

On Thursday, MoveOn members are gathering outside hundreds of congressional offices to keep the pressure on Congress to block the escalation. We'll be holding signs and listening to compelling speakers, and we've invited the media.

We want to make sure we have a good-sized group from your district. Can you join us at a "Congress Decides" letter delivery on Thursday around lunchtime in Brooksville?

Here are the details of the event:

Where: Ginny Brown-Waite's office: Brooksville, Old Hernando County Court House (in Brooksville)
When: Thursday, Feb 22 2007, 2:00 PM
RSVP: Click Here Now

A majority of those in Congress oppose the president's plan to escalate the war. Now we have to make sure they stop him. In a few weeks Congress will have to decide how far they're willing to go to block the escalation.

They're home for recess and this is our best opportunity to influence what they do when they return to Washington. They need to know that we're not going to rest until they start bringing our troops home.

Fasano - Buying Time

I'm suspicious of the motives behind so many politicians quick to make a new vaccine mandatory. Why are they in such a hurry to vaccinate young girls against a sexually transmitted disease that *may* lead to cervical cancer? Why should such medicine, not quite tested by time, be required?

The FDA approved the drug less than a year ago, people.

I'm not in bed with conservatives on this one; it isn't a sex issue. It's a public health issue and I'm sick of commercials, recommendations, and now, requirements, for drugs that are rushed into the marketplace too quickly.

I don't want anyone's daughter playing the role of lab rat. Thanks anyway.

h/t Jim Johnson

More Teachers Weighing In

This time from Chamberlain High School.

Welcome to the terrordome.

h/t Robin

Be There or Be Square

Tampa Bay Blogger Meetup

Who: Bloggers and Podcasters, fans of them or even those who want to become one.
When: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 — 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Where: Hawks Neighborhood Grill — 3114 Bay to Bay Boulevard, South Tampa
Why: Putting names and faces to the local blogging community, to share a beverage, and say hello.

Everyone is invited to come out and participate. This is an Un-Meeting, with no agenda or specific purpose other than meeting and getting to know one-another “offline.” If you have any questions, or if you plan to attend, send Jim Johnson an email: jim [at] stateofsunshine [dot] com, and let him know — so we can get an estimated headcount for the restaurant.

We hope you can make it!!

This one is co-hosted by State of Sunshine, Sticks of Fire, Seminole Heights, Out in Left Field, and In Theory.

Monday, February 19, 2007

More to Honor

President's Day is set aside to honor Washington and Lincoln, specifically. Who else deserves to be included?

My favorite has always been Thomas Jefferson. The man could write. Favorite quote:

I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny
over the mind of man.
The power of his prose helped bring our nation together in its infancy. Those same words bind and define us even today. Plus there's the whole Lousiana thing. That's gotta count for something.

Who else? Oh, I know. Both Roosevelts, Kennedy, and Clinton.

I honor them all today. Beers on me.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Odds 'n Ends

I work with a woman who is making copies of my website and passing it out around school because she is offended by me.

Should I send her a thank-you note?

My children are recovering from quite a cold. The other day I wouldn't let them play outside ("We need to rest inside and heal, okay?") and my oldest ranted for 45 minutes.

Oh, the injustice of being a seven year-old.

At first, I looked him in the eye and made sure he knew he was being heard. He's a lot like his Mommy. I nodded and told him I understood he thought he was fine and good enough to play out back. However, I stood my ground and said no. Kid used every trick in the book:

- "If you don't let me out, I'll scream."

- "Look at the other kids playing outside. They're happy. I want to be happy. I want a Mommy that wants me to be happy."

- "Fine. Don't let me go. I'm not going to read any more of your articles in the paper. We'll see how you like that."

This last one he mumbled more to himself and I just melted. Kid's got heart and doesn't relent. I scooped him up, we shared a rocking chair moment, and then it was bedtime. He hugged me and said, "I really do love you. Even though you don't do what I want sometimes."

If only my meddling co-worker felt the same way.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I Hate That Donohue Won

While I respect McEwan and Marcotte's decision to resign from the John Edwards campaign, I hate how it encourages more such attacks in the future.

Looking back, the detail that astonishes me the most is the sheer amount of ink,
air time, and energy devoted to keeping this phony scandal going until McEwan
and I felt we had to resign. One question that's hard to avoid is how much of
the venom had to do with the fact that McEwan and I were young women entering
into a field (Internet communications) that's viewed as almost monolithically
masculine. From my vantage point, it appeared that sexism was one of the primary
motivating energies behind the campaign. Even before Donohue stepped in, various
right-wing bloggers were obsessed with my gender and sexuality. As I noted
at the time of my resignation, the majority of the hate mail I was receiving was
from men, and almost all the e-mails made note of my gender or suggested that I
would be a more pleasant woman if I wasn't so "angry." Bluntly put, I find it
hard to believe that many men would end up being denounced on TV for using words like "f*ck" or "c*nt" on their blog and expect to receive piles of e-mail
offering an opportunity to suck the sender's d*ck.

And the story goes on...

h/t Elizabeth

Friday, February 16, 2007

Unnecessary Drama

Yet another example of how bad parents are ruining our schools, our community, our world. Why does such an ignorant fool get to remain anonymous?

They don't pay coaches enough to deal with this kind of abuse.

UPDATE: Coach resigned and the anonymous fool's name is Steve Nesfield.

I hate hate hate it when the bad guys win.

Another Reason to Boycott Wal-Mart

Tashina Byrd went to Wal-Mart with her boyfriend to buy Plan B® - the "morning-after" pill - after their condom broke. The pharmacist said, "We have it on hand, but there's no one here who can dispense it."

This happened at a
local Wal-Mart in Springfield, Ohio.

Send a letter to Wal-Mart CEO H. Lee Scott, Jr., urging him to change company policy to guarantee that pharmacies fill requests for Plan B® without delay, just like they do for any other over-the-counter medicine.

Click here to send your letter to Wal-Mart today.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stop the Slander

Help the Democrats pass the House Iraq resolution, and help wavering Republicans stand up to this rhetoric.


Almost Time to Say Goodbye to the Girls

Had my pre-operation appointment yesterday because Dr. Berger is going away for the next three weeks. Turned out to be two hours long.

Learned a lot.

For instance,

- Most women want breasts that don't fall into our armpits when we lie down. It's a simple dream, really. Sadly enough, when we give birth and nurse until nipples are sore, that simple dream becomes a pipe dream. A good plastic surgeon will tell you, the choice is clear. Rely on maximum strength undergarments - which is fine until the inevitable unveiling occurs - or fix them permanently. Turns out, even smaller breasts naturally fall to the side when the lady lies down. Who knew? (Note: "breasts" not "mosquito bites" or "implant-enhanced ta-tas" - both of which are perky no matter the position. Even upside down. Don't ask.) Dr. Berger just wants to prepare me for reality. That's why I love him.

- Set aside a few hours for the pre-op. I did not, ran out of time, and must go back to take the dreaded "before" pictures. If you wanna help me pay for the procedure, I'll let you see all the pictures when we're done. Oh who am I kidding? They'll be on this site before the year is out.

- The night before surgery involves lots of scrubbing with special cleansers, multiple enemas, and a mandatory sleeping pill. Anyone wanna crash at my place?

- Liquid diet, mandatory the final 24 hours before surgery, does not include pints of Guinness. I asked.

- Morning of surgery, I'm allowed to shower and shave for the last time - for about a week. After two days, you will be able to smell me for miles. Anyone wanna crash at my place?

- Also the morning of, I must take a Valium before my mother drives me to the hospital. I fought this tooth and nail, but doc won't budge. I'm not like his typical patients, I tried to explain, who need pharmaceutical intervention every day of the week just to get through incredibly stressful manicures and golf outings. Tough as nails, I am. Still. Gotta take it, he says. So I'll pop my pills, get wasted, and no doubt call to confess my undying love. Don't pick up. For your own good. And mine.

- No strenuous activity *of any kind* for six weeks after surgery.

Less than a month to go.

And no, you may not crash at my place.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

If a teacher complains in the faculty lounge, does anyone hear it?

More thoughts on last night's school board meeting:

- Olson and Valdes seem to be open-minded thinkers genuinely interested in hearing from teachers. Perhaps one of them should be superintendent.

- Teachers would benefit from coherent and sane representatives. Shouting at school board members from the audience does nothing to make us look legitimate.

- Speakers should keep their comments to under a minute. Otherwise they go over time alotted, appear to be rambling, and start to sound like...a board member.

- Dr. Lamb, spend less time admiring and talking about your new electronic voting system and more time admiring and talking *with* your teachers. And put down that g*ddamn gavel.

- Every school in the district should send a rep to listen in on these meetings and report back to the faculty. How many board members have been in the classroom lately? Yet they lecture and condescend and make decisions that affect every teacher in the district. Too few educators care enough to listen. The school board affects our lives, every single day, yet I bet most teachers know more about the cast of Desperate Housewives.

Put down the snacks, turn off the television, get up off your ass and do something about your lot in life.

Or don't.

Completely up to you.

Big Buildup. Lousy Finish.

I attended the Hillsborough County School Board meeting last night ready to raise hell about next year's proposed schedule change. Or at least watch some other people do so. Went something like this...

One of the organizers (read: instigators. big fan!) told me 75 teachers would be there. Showed up and counted maybe 24. Tops. A few from Freedom and King amidst 20 from Armwood alone.

"Wow. Great turnout," I told one of them.

Another Armwood educator said their spokesman was slated to speak toward the end of the meeting and would I like to see a copy of the speech?


She handed me a three-page dissertation, but I read through it.

"Who's reading this diatribe?" I asked, looking to tell Homeboy to cut it down to one page or run the risk of losing his audience.

Teachers. They love to hear themselves talk.

"He's over there," someone said and pointed him out.

My jaw hit the floor. Angry Armwood from the Holocaust Museum was our spokesman?

Good God. We're f*cked.

"Umm...okay," I said, "I'm going to sit in the back and kind of spread out. Write all this down."

"So many teachers are afraid to be here. Afraid they'll lose their jobs," someone said.

"I'm not afraid," I said. "I just don't want to be associated with Looney Tunes. Thanks though."

I took a seat in the back of the room and listened to the proceedings with giddy anticipation. Several areas of the speech were in all CAPS. Couldn't wait for Angry Armwood to lose it in front of television cameras, the school board and a comatose audience. This was going to be great. All I needed was some popcorn and a beverage.

After two hours, one of the board members said the time had finally come for audience comments. Angry Armwood stood up. Here we go! This was it! Got my pen, paper, and cell phone camera. Action!

Said cell phone began vibrating in my hand.

"Hello?" I whispered. "Mom? You okay? The boys okay?"

"Yeah, honey, but I'm getting tired. Your dad called and needs more medicine. I'm sorry but I need you to come home."

"Are you f*cking kidding me?"

Haven't had a buzz kill this bad since that time in college we couldn't find the cow pasture.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Side Salad in the House

On-line buddies I've had the pleasure to meet in person: Tommy, Brett, Joel, Dave, Jason, Lisa, Dawn, Chase, and you. So far, so damn good.

Add one more to the list: The Tampa Tribune's own Jeff Houck.

Mr. Houck came to my school yesterday. He gave our students a presentation on how to get paid for eating food and then writing about it. And so much more.

From my thank-you note:
It takes a special soul to get up in front of teenagers and not suffer
humiliating defeat in the form of silence or mockery. You handled (our
students) perfectly, talking in a language they understood without
pandering. Impressive. You also made your career sound attainable. Anyone
who reads can see you are not just "some guy" - it takes talent to do
what you do, so well, week after week - yet you put
these impressionable youngsters at ease and more than a few are
now interested in your job.
Not one kid fell asleep. They laughed and felt comfortable enough to offer opinions and ask questions. Jeff answered each query with ease and seemed genuinely interested in their viewpoints. Not always easy when said audience is filled with kids who believe Kanye West is the New Messiah.

I've made the case before that our students need to hear from people who will open their eyes to real life adventures that await them in the real world. Thanks Jeff for your time.

Who's next?

Monday, February 12, 2007

Team Work

One of my students had an interesting question when I reminded them about our school's upcoming Conference Night.

"Do parents have to attend?" he asked.

(Blink. Long pause. Blink again.)

"No," I said. "Teachers have to be there, but parents do not."

Teachers have so many different duties. We are required to:

- keep an updated record, on line, of our students' grades.

- send home progress reports and report cards.

- call parents of every failing student.

- attend four conference nights each year.

- be available every day during conference periods.

- update each special ed student's Individual Education Plan annually.

The list goes on and on. No complaints. Our job, after all.

In turn, a parent isn't required to do a thing regarding his/her child's education. They don't have to check grades, attend conferences or IEP meetings, or even answer the phone when we call. Parents feel quite comfortable holding teachers accountable. However, if we suggest, gently and diplomatically, that they could do some things differently at home, we are "meddling" and a new teacher is often requested.

Parents and teachers are on the same team - along with the students - and must work together for a successful educational career. Working together - that ought to be a requirement.

Teach a Man to Fish...

My cousins are involved with a group that provides microloans to people in developing countries. This help is needed due to banks charging a ridiculous 300% interest on loans. Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, among other world leaders, are big fans of microloans as a way for the world to fight poverty.

For example, a lady in Uganda needed a $400 loan to buy a fridge and grinding machine so she could open up a little peanut butter stand. She got the loan through a generous man in San Francisco and it allowed her family to get out of the dangerous rock grinding business. There are many more heartfelt stories about people pulling themselves out of poverty with a little help from us.

The money isn't given away, the lender pays you back, usually within a year. So far they've helped hundreds of people and have had a 100% repayment rate. You can email your borrower and they keep you updated on their "business".

Make Your Voices Heard

One of these days, I will change my picture. I always do. And this time I'm letting you decide the pose, clothing options, background, props, etc.

I am nothing if not the voice of the people.

Ideas are already pouring in:

- Joel thinks I should lose the robe, make copies of offensive emails and place them in strategic places, keeping the wine and ice cream in place of course.

- Someone suggested showing my leg, only this time as an homage to The Graduate. Who would like to play Dustin Hoffman?

- Bobby says let my Irish out to play.

- Emily implores "pull a Jennifer Aniston."

- Several concerned readers suggest a different t-shirt each week while practicing one of my favorite yoga poses. Slogans include:

If you don't like my peaches, why do you shake my tree?

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Support Our Troops - Bring Them Home Now

I'm just like you, only I'm interesting and my life isn't devoid of meaning.

Hold on to my freedom.

- More than a few want me wearing this hot little number. Eating an apple? Playing with a ruler?

Keep the ideas coming as I mull like sweet spices. Decisions, decisions.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bland New House for Sale!

New superstar realtor (third time's a charm) put his sign up in our front yard.

Cousin Jimmy sent St. Joseph and gave permission to bury him in our back yard.

Went from this -

to this -

...putting the asssss in alabaster.

We even lowered our price.

Haters, channel that energy into positive thoughts that our house will sell sometime soon.

Then I'm Colorado's problem. Promise.

You Don't Have to Be a Scientologist see that the drugging of our children is leading to behavior problems and dependency. Whenever possible we should be listening to kids and helping them cope with the pressures they are facing.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Government is backing a plan to "suicide screen" every child in Florida and the rest of the United States before they graduate from high school. Massive pharmaceutical backing for this plan will result in even more kids dependent on psychiatric drugs.

Learn more here.

Fight such a plan here.

Parents - try parenting first.

h/t Lisa

Do It For Love

There are other reasons as well.

February 27 is Spay Day USA, and The Humane Society of the United States is
partnering with local groups to get tens of thousands of pets spayed and

Thousands of puppies and kittens are born every hour in the
United States, and many will never find homes. Fortunately, spaying and
neutering is a solution that we can all be a part of. It's simple, effective,
and saves pets' lives for generations to come.

This year, The HSUS is thrilled to offer you fun and easy ways to get involved with Spay Day USA events throughout the country. Last year, 29,000 cats, dogs, and
other animals were reported spayed or neutered at these events.

I know that together we can make an even bigger impact this year.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

NEXT School Board Meeting

If you are a teacher and concerned about the proposed 6/7 schedule change for next year, come to the school board meeting this Tuesday, February 13th at 5pm. Wear your school shirts and make your voices heard.


Same goes for parents and students who worry that such schedule changes might bring with them unintended consequences.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Let's Lighten the Mood a Bit

This is the movie Mel Gibson would like to make.

Cause I'm Electric

How do we break out of our current social experience to bring others in?

I'm asking.

Friday, February 09, 2007

"Look Mommy! What's an 'oddity'?"

Took the boys to the Florida State Fair today.

You heard me.

Old CW: I don't consort with the corn-dog crowd. New CW: My children said, "Please."

I'm uncomfortable with several aspects of the fair experience.

- Too many missionaries. There are several characters who mean well, trying to offer you the gift of eternal life and all, to put this...should have cooked just a little while longer. They're handing out pamphlets that show the results of a sinful life (eternal hellfire) while sucking on chili dogs and flirting with the teenager manning the John Casablancas Modeling tent.

- Watched a cow give birth. Live. With these people.

'Nuff said.

- Wandered into a barn that housed about a hundred pigs. Smelled *awful*. Walked through quickly (breathethroughyourmouthbreathethroughyourmouth) and came out the other side to a consortium of pork product manufacturers. They had pork burgers, chops, ribs, sausage and plenty of bacon to sample. Something not quite right about that. Not quite right at all.

- Fair food. First of all, if you are so heavy you need one of those scooters to get around and haven't been able to remove rings from your fingers since 1948, perhaps a turkey leg with a side of cheese on a stick topped off with deep fried Oreos and washed down with a 40-oz. cup of beer is not the best idea in the world.

- And what, in the name of all that is good and holy, what in the f*ck is this about?

-Then there is this. My angels looking out over Tampa during their very first ferris wheel ride.

Worth every uncomfortable moment. For sure.

I'm Proud of John Edwards

I'm a little slow in posting this, but I want to go on record as saying I'm more in Edwards' camp now for this ballsy move.

We cannot allow ourselves to be silenced. Bullies who try to pressure employers to fire bloggers for broadcasting opinions must be made to fail. Miserably.

Go John Edwards.

We've Come a Long Way, Baby

Rules for Teachers in 1915

1. You will not marry during the term of your contract.

2. You are not to keep company with men.

3. You must be home between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless attending a school function.

4. You may not loiter downtown in ice cream stores.

5. You may not travel beyond city limits unless you have the permission of the chairman of the board.

6. You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or brother.

7. You may not smoke cigarettes.

8. You may not dress in bright colors.

9. You may under no circumstances dye your hair.

10. You must wear at least two petticoats.

11. Your dresses must not be any shorter than two inches
above the ankle.

Feel free to add your own, assbags.

Oh, and kiss my petticoats.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Awareness Is Your Best Defense

You can bark about putting kids first or you can actually help protect them.

Enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as a small icon. Red, blue and green dots surround your entire neighborhood. Click on these dots and a picture of a criminal will appear with his or her home address and the description of the crime he/she has committed.

Show your children these pictures and stay informed. It's important to know how close these people live to your home or school.

h/t Sheila

Save Our Sesame

From my peeps at

This week, Bush proposed a new budget with devastating cuts to public
broadcasting. "Sesame Street" and other ad-free kids' shows are under the knife.
So is the independent journalism our country needs.

Enough is enough.

We've fought this fight before and won—but we can't afford the risk
anymore. With the new Congress, we can make sure this never happens again. We
need Congress to insulate NPR and PBS from the political winds.

We can make it happen if enough of us sign this petition: "Congress
must save NPR and PBS once and for all. Congress should guarantee permanent
funding and independence from partisan meddling."

Some Rhymes Go Flat, Well Mine Go Fizz

I wrote an op-ed piece for The Tampa Tribune and they're supposed to run it Saturday. This time the topic isn't quite so controversial - it's about race relations.

Not incendiary at all.

One of these days, I gotta learn to write about flowers.

We Interrupt This Blog to Bring You a Special Bulletin

No, it's not about politics, parenting, or my body.

Stay tuned anyway.

It's about how every baby in America should be wearing this terrific t-shirt:

We now return to your regularly scheduled sarcasm.

For adults only this time. Please.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

NEXT DEC Meeting:


Saturday, February 10 , 2007
Land O Lakes

How Do You Spell Lame?


Did We Not Go Over This?

First Colorado, now Florida.

h/t Jim

Votes Gone Missing

From the Florida Dems -

The state doesn't even have a record of the vote cast by Governor Crist's
own father. Is YOUR vote missing too?

Our dynamic online communications team has put together a website where you can enter your information to determine whether or not your vote is missing.

Although I think we can guess who Papa Crist voted for, if your vote is missing, you need to know about it.

What an Assbag

Received this nastygram last night regarding such an important issue (*eyes rolling*):


I find your blog both offensive and naive, the same qualities found in
Debra LeFave. To indicate that you contemplated advice provided to you by
several co-workers, and then decided that you would disregard their advice on a
moral issue that effects you and the students you teach and influence seems
to be contradictory to someone who is educated with children's care in mind.
This has been of great concern to parents even more so lately, and yet seems
to be of lesser concern to teachers and staff. You may attend as many
classes on ethics as is mandated, but your being void of a natural instinct
to recognize the difference between right and wrong (only a little leg and
bra? what is your line that you will not cross over?) makes me question
whether you chose the right field. You are right about one thing in your
blog. Had you not had a picture to view that you are more than a recent
graduate, I would have confused your psychological thumbing your nose as
coming from a child.
Which is worse? That this creep CC'd one of my superiors or that he/she compared me to someone who committed crimes against a child.

Take your pick.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another Big Fat Liar

U.S. Rep Mark Udall, from Colorado, co-sponsored legislation to ban lawmakers from paying family members a salary out of campaign funds.

Seems like another no-brainer, but wait a minute...

Former Republican Rep Scott McInnis was investigated a few years ago for paying his wife more than $3,000 a month from his campaign fund after he announced he was retiring. McInnis responded to Udall's legislation by falsely claiming that Udall's wife is a lobbyist.

Udall should be all, "I know you are, but what am I?"

Currently, McInnis lobbies for EnCana, a foreign oil and gas company that holds the record in Colorado for one of the largest environmental fines ever. Seems they were responsible for a gas leak that contaminated local water.

ProgressNow reports that McInnis is quickly earning the nickname McLobbyist for selling out millions and millions of Coloradans in favor of big industry.

They need your help. Click here to visit the new website and sign a petition calling on McInnis to apologize.

Support Universal Health Care

Had our Constitution been written by physicians instead of lawyers, we might already have universal health care. If a criminal has a constitutional right to an attorney, why doesn't a sick person have a right to a doctor?

This is a common question. Isn't it about time we did something about it?

John Edwards has a plan to guarantee top quality health care to every man, woman and child in this great country. He needs your help.

If you add your name to his statement of support and get three friends or family members to do the same in the next seven days, you can help get this campaign started right - and there's no limit to what we can achieve.

A Jew, a Muslim, and a Christian Walk into a Bar

Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Imam W. Deen Mohammed, and Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper will meet at the Palladium Theater in St. Petersburg on Thursday night (Feb. 8th) to discuss the topic: Is Religion an Obstacle to Peace?

Afterwards they will explore other no-brainers like: Will Donuts Make Me Fat? and Does Fox News Cause Cancer?

This happening is brought to you by Serving the One, which sounds slightly cultish. The group is really an "interfaith movement of diverse individuals to promote understanding and to celebrate all of the communities which make up our Tampa Bay community home."

The Trialogue, free to the public, will begin at 7pm. Come join the discussion.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I Had to Open My Big Mouth

After bragging about my chili and complaining that Steve Otto's annual contest was off-limits to the likes of me, I heard from the big man himself:
I certainly hope you will reconsider and enter my contest. There are usually
three or four vegetarian chilis each year and if you use the secret ingredient I
noticed on your blog, it would greatly enhance your chances of winning. Besides,
we have a good time and even make a little money for charity…steve
I'll be entering the contest to go up against guys like this.

Stay tuned...

Pro and Con

The Trib has printed some interesting arguments both for and against escalation in Iraq.

For once, Ginny Brown-Waite doesn't make me want to hurl. Nice change of pace. And Kathy Castor is off to a good start.

Both Mel Martinez and Adam Putnam: put down your blinders and listen to the American people. We've lost confidence in our president. Although me... never believed him in the first place.

Give the plan a chance? On whose lives should we take such a risk?

Don't Remember Asking What You Thought

Last week I received an email from Co-worker Acquaintance, expressing concern over the picture on my blog. Homeboy thought I might get into trouble because OH MY GOD my leg is showing. And a bit of bra.

I thanked him for his concern. Seriously. Love the love.

He wrote back: "I hope you're not angry. That was the hardest email I've had to write. Since you write about politics and have criticized the superintendent in the pages of The Tampa Tribune, you need to be careful."

"I appreciate your concern," I said, "and I'll seriously think about it."

Next day, I related the story to Co-Worker Close Friend.

"I've been meaning to tell you something," she said. "The other day, a teacher approached me and said that *several* teachers here at Superior High School are upset about your picture. They think it reflects badly on Superior High in general and wanted to give me a heads up in case the complaint goes down the pike."

I sat there, stunned.

"Goes down the pike?" I said. "That sounds like a threat."

"I know," she said.

"Are these concerned teachers going to report me?"

"Look," Co-Worker Close Friend said, "I think they need to mind their own business. However, I told you weeks ago that picture of you in a silk robe could lead to trouble."

"It's cotton," I said. "I don't wear silk."

"Anyway," she continued, "I'll support you no matter what. I just thought you should know what's being said."

I don't mind if someone expresses concern. Co-Worker Close Friend and Co-Worker Acquaintance are excellent examples. Several loved ones wish I'd either hide behind a book or not post a picture at all due to massive amounts of hate mail I receive. Crazies and all.

I listen. Contemplate. In the end, though, I post my smiling mug to show I stand behind what I believe. Lends just a tad of credibility. Wouldn't be as effective if I posted anonymously. Plus, how could I tell my students and, more importantly, my own children to get up, stand up, if I hid behind an alias? It's important to practice what I preach. And let the chips fall where they may.

I have never advocated anything immoral or illegal. I could take a camera to school and photograph several teachers who wear less than I do without a single repercussion.

And to hell with anyone who thinks my picture reflects badly on Superior High. There are several pictures on the Hillsborough County Sheriff's website that show mug shots of current teachers who have been arrested for drunk driving, drug possession, and domestic battery. Last time I checked, a little leg never hurt anyone.

Besides, what I write and do reflects on me alone. No one else. And I happen to think it reflects nicely.

I'll change my picture when I'm damn good and ready. Not a moment before. Put that in your pipe.

And suck it.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Is Florida Making the Grade?

According to NARAL's 2007 report, Who Decides? The Status of Women's Reproductive Rights in the United States, Florida earns a D.

Several reasons.

Same for Colorado.


Yummy for the Tummy

SuperBowl Fun just wouldn't be complete without vegetarian chili. You heard me.

My cruelty-free concoction is the best in the land. Recently, I even attempted to sign-up for Steve Otto's Chili Cook-Off. Unfortunately, they define chili thusly:

"...any kind of meat, or combinations of meats, cooked with chili peppers, various other spices and other ingredients.."

I left messages with the PR folks in charge of this event and asked if I could enter the contest with tofu products instead of dead animals. They haven't called back. Probably for the best. Most men don't have the neurons to admit carcass-free can be delicious.

I have tricked many a meat lover with my chili. They always rant and rave until they see me eating it.

"What the...?" they say, "this isn't meat?"

No, baby. Your arteries will thank me later. Perhaps it's a good idea that I not blow Otto's mind with my healthy crock-pot of joy.

Behold my secret weapon:

Just a splash of Harp combined with salsa, spices, harvest crumbles and kidney beans.

Best way to eat: on top of a Tofu Pup (veggie hot dog) with mustard, relish and shredded cheese. Chili-cheese dogs for all my friends!

Yummy indeed. Go Bears.

A category you won't find in the pages of Creative Loafing -

Best Place to Get a Mammogram: Lifetime Cancer Screening at Moffitt

A few years ago, I had this to report:

When women hit thirty-five, doctors recommend more fiber in our diets. They also
recommend a baseline mammogram with which to compare old boobs someday. Many
women complain that a mammogram is painful because breasts are smashed like
pancakes for not-so-flattering pictures. Me? I like the rough stuff.

Could do without a technician groping the girls and saying, “Sorry, but
I have to move them up to where they USED to be, you know, before gravity took

Moffitt also throws in a breast exam. For no extra charge,
another tech will demonstrate how to play with yourself and feel for lumps all
at the same time. A multi-tasker’s dream! After an hour of going to first base
with two middle-aged women, I also learned how to make unattractive poses in the
mirror while looking for “irregularities”. So hot.
Unfortunately, it's easier to get a table at Armani's on Valentine's Day than to get into Moffitt anytime soon. Since Dr. Berger needs my mammogram but quick (surgery must commence on March 12, 2007) I had to settle for Carrollwood Radiology.

What a disappointment.

No groping, no titorials, no love. Just a couple of squashed breasts and I was out the door in less than ten minutes.

Admittedly, I was only in for pre-surgery cancer screening. Dr. Berger needs to make sure all is well before he rearranges the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time-players. However, for all your breast cancer awareness needs, I must recommend Moffit above all the rest.

They know their boobies.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

You won't see this Iran on Fox

We mustn't make the same mistakes again. Let's not turn Iran into Iraq.

"There are other ways to deal with Saddam Hussein and other tyrants short of unilateral war."

Friday, February 02, 2007

Doesn't Black History Month Serve a Purpose?

I'm asking.

And Larry Wilmore is answering.

"Yes, the purpose of making up for centuries of oppression with 28 days of trivia."

Decisions, Decisions

From the Florida Democratic Party:

Clinton? Obama? Biden? Edwards? Clark? Dodd? Richardson? Vilsack? Kucinich?

Which presidential candidates do YOU want to see most in

Don't worry, you don't have to commit to a candidate today.
Just let us know which candidate or candidates you are most
interested in seeing, up close and personal, in our great state.
Up close and personal...yummy.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Back Off Buddy

This will make my conservative readers, all two of you, reach for the Vaseline. Cause I'm on your side right this second.

ColoradoLib is reporting that a Senate committee in Colorado's Democratic legislature (my future home) approved a bill that would require school-aged girls to be vaccinated against HPV. The Human Papilloma Virus, or genital warts, is a fairly common STD that leads to cervical cancer.

The committee is wrong to make such inoculation a requirement.

I worked at Tampa Woman's Health Center and often counseled women who had genital warts. This is one nasty disease and just watching a girl's face as she's having warts burned off is enough to scare anyone into keeping her legs crossed for life. However, much is unknown about this new vaccine and its unintended side effects. Therefore government officials would do best to exercise some caution and common sense. Young girls should do the same.

Publicize and promote the vaccine. Pressure insurance companies into covering it. Encourage everyone to learn more about STDs and how to prevent them.

And that'll do.

Tubby Time Troubles

Lavender is used in children's bath products because the oil is soothing and encourages kids to quiet down before bedtime.

However, unless Junior likes eyeliner and ABBA records, you might want to consider this: apparently lavender makes boys' boobies grow.

Relax. If you stop now, the growing glands will shrink within a few months.

I wonder if this works with teenage girls? Couldn't hurt. Besides, a lavender bath sounds better than those awful exercises and "We Must Increase Our Bust" chants from the old days. Although....exercises did work, baby.

Yes they did.

I'll Bring the Booze

and popcorn.

From Democracy for America:

The enormous human and financial cost of the war in Iraq continues to build each day. And so does the movement to stop it.

You can play an important role by hosting a screening of the provocative and hard hitting documentary The War Tapes during the week of February 18 to 24. Can you host a screening?

Straight from the front lines in Iraq, The War Tapes is the first war movie filmed by soldiers themselves. The film is powerful and conveys both the passion and mindset of American soldiers and the incredible human and community cost of war. You will leave this movie more motivated than ever to end the occupation and bring our troops home.

Hosting a screening is easy and fun. In the past, DFA activists have organized house parties or used community centers or link-up locations. Community colleges and universities often have free rooms available for just this type of thing. Be creative and go big or keep it simple and small. And of course, events with 15 or more RSVPs on DFA-Link by February 9th, 2007 will receive a free DVD for their screening. After the movie, we'll send postcards to our senators demanding action. Please make it your mission in February.

Thank you for working to end the War in Iraq.